Qual é o equivalente do PowerShell de ksh 'whence -v'?


De um comentário no link :

With the ksh, I could type whence -v cd to determine that cd was a tracked alias of say /bin/cd. In PowerShell, cd is an alias of Set-Location, but I only found this out because I typed help cd, and got the Set-Location help page. The whence -v command would report whether the item was a function, alias, tracked alias, or give the file location.

Como podemos fazer isso no PowerShell?

por Jay Bazuzi 22.10.2012 / 09:29

1 resposta


Use o cmdlet Get-Command , que tem um alias conveniente gcm :

> Get-Command cd

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Alias           cd -> Set-Location
por 22.10.2012 / 09:29
