Mova o pam_mount
abaixo pam_unix
na pilha do PAM.
Estou usando o pam_mount para montar o diretório pessoal dos usuários ao fazer login com êxito no sistema. Funciona; no entanto, o prompt da senha diz:
pam_mount password:
Em vez de apenas:
Como posso alterá-lo de volta para o original mantendo pam_mount?
Em man pam_mount.conf
pam_mount.conf - Description of the pam_mount configuration file
The pam_mount configuration file defines soft defaults for commands pam_mount will be executing, the messages it will show, and which volumes to mount on login. Since pam_mount 0.18, the configuration file is written in XML so as to simplify the pam_mount code base while giving formatting freedom to the end-user. Special characters like <, > and & that are used by XML itself must be encoded as
; and&
, respectively; additionally, " must be encoded as"
within a "" area, but these three/four symbols are unlikely to be seen often anyway.. . .
<msg-authpw>pam_mount password:</msg-authpw>
When pam_mount is not used with "use_first_pass" or "try_first_pass" keywords in the PAM configuration files (/etc/pam.d/), it will have to ask for a password. This is also the case if pam_mount is the first auth module in the block. allows you to customize that prompt.
In case the 'session' PAM block does not have the password (e.g. on su from root to user), it will ask again. This prompt can also be customized.