Deseja instalar o Windows 7 além do Win32 e Ubuntu, como proceder?


Eu tenho um disco rígido de 250 GB com uma partição Win32 XP de 100 GB e um Ubuntu de 20 GB com o Grub instalado. Eu quero instalar o Windows 7 'por trás' desses dois.

Como faço para continuar conseguindo inicializar no Windows XP e, menos importante, no Ubuntu. Eu inicializo a partição do Ubuntu via VirtualBox normalmente. O Windows 7 substituirá o Grub por seu próprio gerenciador de inicialização?

por Cipster 08.09.2010 / 20:39

2 respostas


Um tópico muito interessante link

Este é um extrato de outro fórum

  1. Obtain a copy of Windows7.
  2. Partition your disk with gparted.
  3. Install Windows7.
  4. Re-install Grub.
  5. Edit Grub to List Windows 7.
  6. Have Fun.

1. Obtain a copy of windows 7.

*You can also find a torrent of this but for legal reasons I cannot provide a link. *

2. Partition your disk

This does go wrong in some cases, if in doubt back up your valuable data.

Boot from a Ubuntu live cd or a gparted live cd. Start up gparted, If ubuntu is on the whole disk you need to re-size it by at least 8 gb for Windows 7. (Make sure windows 7 is on the second partition to make it easier for grub) You will be left with some unallocated space on your hard disk if you want you can partition it to NTFS or you can do it later on the windows install.

3. Install Windows 7

Follow the on screen instructions, Select the un-partitioned space to format and install windows on, or if you already made it NTFS choose your NTFS partition.

It will ask for a product key but you have 30 days to do that. Note: Beta keys will work with the RC

4. Re-install GRUB

Now you have windows 7 but it has completely eaten your boot loader so you need to re-install grub. Boot from the ubuntu live cd and go to terminal. Type in terminal:

"sudo grub" "grub> find /boot/grub/stage1"

That should return your Ubuntu partition in the form of (hdX,Y), use that:

grub> root (hdX,Y) grub> setup (hd0) grub> quit

(you don’t need to type the grub> bit)

That has re-installed grub but you can no longer see windows7

5. Edit grub. Go to terminal from normal ubuntu and type :

“sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst”

A large text file will open and at the bottom leave a line and add this:

title windows 7 beta (Loader) root (hd0,1) savedefault makeactive chainloader +1

por 08.09.2010 / 20:55

Sim, o Windows 7 irá sobrescrever o Grub, mas ele deve reconhecer sua partição do XP.

veja link para restaurar o Grub, que verá todos os sistemas operacionais normalmente.

por 08.09.2010 / 20:45