Em primeiro lugar, lembre-se de tornar seu monitor mais escuro pode ser útil, ou até mesmo comprar alguns óculos escuros.
Tente dar uma olhada no artigo e tente as sugestões. Essencialmente, você pode usar temas para mudar a aparência das páginas.
Espero que ajude! Eu absolutamente tenho o mesmo problema, às vezes.
Caso o link seja desativado, aqui está:
If you're like me you can get a bit of
a head ache if you're staring into a
white web page for too long, well
yesterday I did some searching and I
came across what I feel is a really
nice add-on for firefox, if you want
to see the end result check out this
picture here:
It is the product of a few themes /
add-ons, first the darkness from the
page requires an add-on called
"Stylish" which allows you to download
a bunch of themes which will change
the colors of websites automatically.
Download stylish here:
Then you need to get a specific theme,
the one I am running is called "Carbon
eXtreme" which you can download here:
If you want to search for other themes
I suggest searching "Global Styles" as
those ones apply globally to all the
sites you visit.
There is another nice style add-on
which makes the screen when you first
open a new page black instead of
white, it's called "about:blank black"
and you can check it out here:
Lastly, the darkened firefox is from
"PitchDark 3.5.0" which can be
downloaded here:
So basically this is a nice way to
make this page darker if you don't
like it being too white, we plan to in
the future program something into the
page to make a similar dark theme
without the need for any programs like
this. - Chris, IL