Como alterar o padrão 'Using this proxyserver:'?


Como alterar o padrão Using this proxyserver: em vez de redefini-lo ?

c:\Temp>choco install notepadplusplus
The default install location has been changed to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey'.
  This install will be updated to that location in the next version. It
  is strongly suggested you move this installation to the new location
  as soon as possible to limit write access from all users. Do not forget
  to update PATH & ChocolateyInstall environment variables.
Chocolatey (v0.9.8.27) is installing 'notepadplusplus' and dependencies. By inst
alling you accept the license for 'notepadplusplus' and each dependency you are

notepadplusplus.install v6.6.8
Using this proxyserver:
Write-Error : notepadplusplus did not finish successfully. Boo to the chocolate
y gods!
[ERROR] Exception calling "GetResponse" ...
por 030 08.08.2014 / 16:48

1 resposta


Está usando o servidor proxy que você especificou como padrão.

Se você estiver usando o violinista, desative-o.

por 09.08.2014 / 01:20