Por favor, use os comandos abaixo para criar um arquivo de lote.
REM Stop the Automatic Updates service
net stop wuauserv
REM Stop the Windows Management Instrumentation service
net stop winmgmt
REM Backup ReportingEvents.log. Then, delete the contents of
REM %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution and
REM %systemroot%\system32\WBEM\Repository
copy %systemroot%\softwaredistribution\reportingevents.log %homedrive%\
del /f /q %systemroot%\softwaredistribution\*.*
move %homedrive%\reportingevents.log %systemroot%\softwaredistribution
REM Delete SusClientID and AccountDomainSid keys from
REM HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate
SET WU_KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate
reg delete %WU_KEY% /v SusClientID
reg delete %WU_KEY% /v AccountDomainSid
REM Start the Automatic Updates service
net start wuauserv
REM Start the Windows Management Instrumentation service
net start winmgmt
REM Force a group policy update
gpupdate /force
REM Roll the WU Client...
wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow