Em algum lugar no script de pós-instalação do pacote DEB ( /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.13.0-58-generic.postinst
) está o snippet de código abaixo
die "Internal Error: Could not find image (" . $realimageloc
. "$kimage-$version)\n" unless -e $realimageloc
. "$kimage-$version";
significa que o script falha, se unless -e $realimageloc
retornar false
, ou em outras palavras, se o arquivo /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-58-generic
não existir.
Duas possibilidades:
Crie um arquivo fictício
sudo touch /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-58-generic
sudo apt-get install -f
Desative a instrução
Edite o script de pós-instalação
sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.13.0-58-generic.postinst
Pesquise o bloco de códigos
die "Internal Error: Could not find image (" . $realimageloc . "$kimage-$version)\n" unless -e $realimageloc . "$kimage-$version";
e comente as linhas, simplesmente adicione um
para cada linha -
Você deve ver algo assim
# Paranoid check to make sure that the correct value is put in there if (! $kimage) { $kimage = "vmlinuz"; } # Hmm. empty elsif ($kimage =~ m/^b?uImage$/o) { $kimage = "vmlinuz"; } # these produce vmlinuz elsif ($kimage =~ m/^b?zImage$/o) { $kimage = "vmlinuz"; } # these produce vmlinuz elsif ($kimage =~ m/^[iI]mage$/o) { my $nop = $kimage; } elsif ($kimage =~ m/^vmlinux$/o) { my $nop = $kimage; } else { $kimage = "vmlinuz"; } # Default $ENV{KERNEL_ARCH}=$kernel_arch if $kernel_arch; # die "Internal Error: Could not find image (" . $realimageloc # . "$kimage-$version)\n" unless -e $realimageloc # . "$kimage-$version"; # search for the boot loader in the path my $loader_exec; ($loader_exec = $loader) =~ s|.*/||; my ($loaderloc) = grep -x, map "$_/$loader_exec", map { length($_) ? $_ : "." } split /:/, $ENV{PATH}; ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ########### Test whether a relative symlinkwould be OK ####### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ######################################################################
Salve o arquivo e execute
sudo apt-get install -f