Variações do número de peça do Supermicro?


Existe uma chave para os sufixos usados nos números de peça da placa-mãe da Supermicro? Por exemplo, o Newegg vende um X10SL7-F -O , mas o site do Supermicro lista apenas um X10SL7-F.

por JDługosz 05.03.2015 / 01:26

1 resposta


X10SL7-F-O é o pacote de varejo com caixa.

X10SL7-F-B é o pacote em massa.

-O vs -B model numbers​

Many people get confused with these model numbers when they can only find an X10SL7-F-O, instead of an X10SL7-F, or an X10SLM+-F-B instead of an X10SLM+-F. All model numbers are exactly as printed in their respective sections. For real products, they get either an -O or a -B appended to them, for retail or bulk packaging, respectively. An example: A Supermicro X10SL7-F-O is a retail-packaged X10SL7-F motherboard. A Supermicro X10SL7-F-B is a bulk-packaged X10SL7-F motherboard.

What's the difference between them? With retail packaging, you get a box, with proper packaging materials. With bulk packaging, you get something along the lines of an antistatic bag, a bit of protective foam and some cardboard to wrap it all up.

por 16.07.2015 / 00:21