Solução de problemas "Não é possível conectar-se a esta rede"


Depois de muita pesquisa e teste de outras respostas encontradas no SuperUser e on-line, não consigo resolver:

  • Todos os dispositivos que estou conectando ao meu roteador são conectando / funcionando normalmente, exceto um PC.
  • Estes dispositivos incluem 3 telefones Android, 1 MacBook, 1 PC Laptop e dois tablets Android. Todos trabalhando sem nenhum problema.
  • O PC que não se conecta nem toca no roteador e realmente me irrita que eu não posso resolver isso.
  • Eu tentei com o reset winsock, atualizações de drivers, tentei com um wifi dongle, sem dados.

Saída de Log

[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Connection started 2  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Begin Connect API   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]FSM Current state Disconnected, event Cmd_Connect     
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Calling MSMSecStopSecurity  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Adapter({0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}) Received StopSecurity  
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]Reset PHY New MAC address 0x*MyMAC* SetDefaultMIB=true   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]FSM Transition from State: Disconnected to State: Reset  
[Microsoft-Windows-WiFiNetworkManager]WlanMgr - Recieved wlan notif: wlan_notification_acm_profile_change   
[Microsoft-Windows-WiFiNetworkManager]NotifMgr - Publishing new WNF connection state, type = WIFI_NOTIF_TYPE_AVAILABLE , state = 0x0, ntStatus = 0x0.  
[Microsoft-Windows-WiFiNetworkManager]NotifMgr - Publishing new WNF connection state, type = WIFI_NOTIF_TYPE_CONNECTION , state = 0x1, ntStatus = 0x0.   
[Microsoft-Windows-WiFiNetworkManager]NotifMgr - Publishing new WNF connection state, type = WIFI_NOTIF_TYPE_PREFERRED , state = 0x0, ntStatus = 0x0.  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Scan completion Status 0  
[Microsoft-Windows-WiFiNetworkManager]WlanMgr - Recieved wlan notif: wlan_notification_acm_scan_complete  
[Microsoft-Windows-WiFiNetworkManager]WlanMgr - Recieved wlan notif: wlan_notification_acm_scan_list_refresh  
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]OID_DOT11_RESET_REQUEST Complete 0x0 ResetConfirmStatus=0x0  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]FSM Current state Reset , event Reset_Success  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]SSID = xxx BSSIDCount = 0   
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]Desired SSID List 1 entries   
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]Set DesiredBSSType: infrastructure  
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]Set HiddenNetworkEnabled (false): 0x0   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]FSM Transition from State: Reset to State: Ihv_Configuring  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]FSM Current state Ihv_Configuring , event IHV_Pre_Security_Success  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Calling MSMSecPerformPreAssociateSecurity   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Adapter({0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}) MSM Connect notification, Network "xxx"   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]WLAN Security Settings: BSS Type  infrastructure , Authentication Open , Encryption WEP , OneX Enabled No , Eap Information - Type 0, Vendor ID 0, Vendor Type 0, Author ID 0  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Adapter({0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}) IntfSecState Transition INITIALIZED -->PROCESSING_PREASSOCIATE  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]FSM Transition from State: Ihv_Configuring  to State: Configuring  
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]Enabled AuthList 1 entries  
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]Set ExcludeUnencrypted (true): 0x0   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Default Key: Idx 0, Algo WEP , Direction= Both , Len x  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Default Key ID set to Index 0  
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]IOCTL function=0xD4 Status=0xC0000010 Length=688 bytes 
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Adapter({0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}) IntfSecState Transition PROCESSING_PREASSOCIATE -->PREASSOCIATE_DONE
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Adapter(5) Connect Completion, Reason 0, Error 0  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Security PreConnect Completion, security reason: 0x0, error 0x0   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]FSM Current state Configuring , event Pre_Security_Success  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Wireless network association started. Network Adapter: Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter  Interface GUID: {0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}  Local MAC Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx  Network SSID: xxx  BSS Type: Infrastructure  Authentication: Open  Encryption: WEP  802.1X Enabled: No    
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]Security endpoint type = Standard Security  
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]IHV Serialization Enabled: false   
[Microsoft-Windows-WiFiNetworkManager]AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Confirmation Timer - TimeLeft = [0] msecs    
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]OID_DOT11_CONNECT_REQUEST completes 0x0   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]FSM Transition from State: Configuring  to State: Associating  
[Microsoft-Windows-WiFiNetworkManager]NotifMgr - Publishing new WNF connection state, type = WIFI_NOTIF_TYPE_AVAILABLE , state = 0x0, ntStatus = 0x0.   
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]Connection Started   
[Microsoft-Windows-NWiFi]Connection Completion Status=0xC000023C   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]FSM Current state Associating , event **Upcall_Association_Failure**  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Calling MSMSecStopSecurity   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Adapter({0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}) Received StopSecurity   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Adapter({0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}) IntfSecState Transition PREASSOCIATE_DONE -->STOPPING_SECURITY  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Received Security Packet: CONNECT_COMPLETION   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Received CONNECT COMPLETION, status 0xC000023C, assocStatus 0x2   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Adapter({0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}) IntfSecState Transition STOPPING_SECURITY -->INITIALIZED    
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Adapter({0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}) MSM Disconnect notification   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Connect completion reason 0x38002, session 0x1, **adhoc formed false**   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]FSM Transition from State: Associating  to State: Disconnected  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Connection complete on interface Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter, session = 0x1, status = 0x38002, **ad hoc network formed = false**   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]**Connect Diagnostic Information  Interface** GUID: {0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}  Network Adapter: Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter Connection Mode: profile   SSID: xxx  BSS Type: infrastructure  Authentication: Open   Encryption: WEP   802.1X Enabled: 0  IHV Bitmap: 5  Hidden: false  Peer MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00  WLAN Status  Code: 229378  Dot11 Status Code: 0x2  Assoc Time: 4294967295  Assoc Restart Count: 0  Auth Time: 0  Auth Restart Count: 0  Device ID: PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0032&SUBSYS_2C971A3B&REV_01&AE113B&0&0020  Device Manufacturer: Qualcomm Atheros Communications Inc.  Driver Service: athr  Driver Version:  Driver Date: 2-27-2016  RSSI: -68  Signal Quality: 62%  Channel: 0  Interfering AP Count: 0  Total Visible AP Count: 9  Max AP Phy Type: any  Max AP Channel Width: 0  AP Description:   AP Manufacturer:   AP Model Name:   AP Model Number:  Detailed Status On Roam: 0xFFFFFFFFRx Rate:0  Tx Rate: 0  EAP Type: -1 802.1x Auth Mode: None  HotSpot 2.0: false  Profile Type -1  System MAC Randomization: 1  Profile MAC Randomization: 0   
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Connection failed. Interface = Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter, Reason code = 0x38002.    
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]Media notification received. Interface = Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter, Connected = false.  
[Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig]WLAN AutoConfig service failed to connect to a wireless network. Network Adapter: Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter Interface GUID: {0ddb0198-3602-4de5-a5f5-e0826970c91e}  Connection Mode: Manual connection with a profile  Profile Name: xxx  SSID: xxx BSS Type: Infrastructure  **Failure Reason:The specific network is not available.  RSSI: 255**


  • Então, tudo parece ir bem, mas o sistema parece perder o visão do roteador mesmo que o sinal seja super strong (RSSI: 255) e se recusa a continuar a conexão.

O que funciona

  • Todos os outros dispositivos funcionam perfeitamente normal e não há motivos para suspeitar que o roteador tenha problemas. Ao mesmo tempo, o laptop se conecta a qualquer outra rede sem problemas.

Parece haver um certo ódio entre esses dois. O problema não é relacionado ao sistema, pois estou executando o boot duplo com o Win 7 e o Win 10, e a situação é idêntica.

por Curious Cat 15.04.2018 / 23:43

2 respostas


Ao olhar nos seus registros, parece que o seu RSSI é -68 (o que é bom). Parece também que você está usando o WEP como um mecanismo de segurança. Alguns drivers sem fio mais novos não suportam mais o WEP, conforme exigido pela Wi-Fi Alliance. Por favor mude sua segurança para WPA2-PSK e veja se seu laptop se associa ao Access Point (ou em suas palavras, o roteador). Deixe-me saber como é isso.

por 16.04.2018 / 22:35

Você está recebendo telas azuis, mesmo que ocasionalmente? Eu tive o mesmo problema, roteador não conectaria, telas azuis ocasionais. Um dia eu tive uma falha no disco rígido. Tirar esse HDD do sistema eliminou as telas azuis, meu roteador conectado e o PC inicializado e desligado muito mais rápido. Apenas um pensamento.

Você pode querer executar diagnósticos de HDD. Um testador básico de informações sobre unidades inteligentes está disponível gratuitamente na Western Digital. Aqui está o link. Você precisa clicar em software para windows e depois clicar em Data Lifeguard Diagnostic para Windows. Eu sei que existem programas mais avançados para isso, mas eu não sei onde eles são improvisados. Espero que isso ajude.


por 16.04.2018 / 06:13