Do Gerenciador de Tarefas Arquivo | Execute a nova tarefa digite cmd e pressione Enter e execute os comandos abaixo para ativar a conta do administrador local e fornecer uma senha.
NET USER administrator /active:yes
NET USER administrator <Type In Password Here>
Agora, execute o SHUTDOWN -L
para fazer logout da conta corrompida e faça login na conta do administrador com a mesma senha que você acabou de criar e, em seguida, preencha o abaixo.
Repair the corrupt user profile registry key
Step 1. Open the Windows 10 Registry Editor by typing regedit in the Search box.
Step 2. When Registry Editor launches, navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
.Step 3. Click each
folder and double-click the ProfileImagePath entry to find out which user account it relates to. (If your folder name ends with.bak
follow Microsoft’s instructions to rename them).Step 4. Once you have determined where is the corrupt user profile(and it doesn’t have a
ending), double-click RefCount and change the Value data to 0 and click OK. If this value isn’t available, you might have to create it manually.Step 5. Now double-click on State, make sure the Value data is again 0 and click OK.
Step 6. Close Registry Editor and restart your PC.
Por fim, desative a conta de administrador local para o estado em que se encontrava antes de ativá-la, se aplicável
NET USER administrator /active:no