Criar código 128 código de barras sem fonte instalada?


Estou tentando encontrar uma solução para criar códigos de barras, preferencialmente no Excel, mas sem instalar uma fonte.
Todos os métodos que eu acho é como fazê-lo com uma fonte instalada.

A razão pela qual eu quero que seja feita sem fonte é porque a pasta de fontes do Windows está limitada a Administrador.
E é um computador de trabalho com um departamento de TI que nunca aprova nada.

Alguém sabe de um método que significa nenhuma instalação.
Podemos instalar códigos VBA, pois isso não é restrito pelo departamento de TI.

por Andreas 12.01.2018 / 14:09

2 respostas


Há uma maneira de instalar fontes personalizadas sem direitos de administrador

No entanto, yakovleff publicou uma ótima solução em MrExcel fórum que irá desenhar o código de barras na sua folha, por isso não é necessário nenhum tipo de letra

Dentro do VBA IDE, selecione ThisWorkbook e cole a seguinte função

Sub Code128Generate_v2(ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByVal Height As Single, ByVal LineWeight As Single, _
                  ByRef TargetSheet As Worksheet, ByVal Content As String, Optional MaxWidth As Single = 0)
    ' Supports B and C charsets only; values 00-94, 99,101, 103-105 for B, 00-101, 103-105 for C
    ' X in mm (0.351)
    ' Y in mm (0.351) 1mm = 2.8 pt
    ' Height in mm
    ' LineWeight in pt

    Dim WeightSum As Single
    Const XmmTopt As Single = 0.351
    Const YmmTopt As Single = 0.351
    Const XCompRatio As Single = 0.9

    Const Tbar_Symbol As String * 2 = "11"
    Dim CurBar As Integer
    Dim i, j, k, CharIndex, SymbolIndex As Integer
    Dim tstr2 As String * 2
    Dim tstr1 As String * 1
    Dim ContentString As String ' bars sequence
    Const Asw As String * 1 = "A" ' alpha switch
    Const Dsw As String * 1 = "D" 'digital switch
    Const Arrdim As Byte = 30

    Dim Sw, PrevSw As String * 1  ' switch
    Dim BlockIndex, BlockCount, DBlockMod2, DBlockLen As Byte

    Dim BlockLen(Arrdim) As Byte
    Dim BlockSw(Arrdim) As String * 1

    Dim SymbolValue(0 To 106) As Integer ' values
    Dim SymbolString(0 To 106) As String * 11 'bits sequence
    Dim SymbolCharB(0 To 106) As String * 1  'Chars in B set
    Dim SymbolCharC(0 To 106) As String * 2  'Chars in B set

    For i = 0 To 106 ' values
        SymbolValue(i) = i
    Next i

    ' Symbols in charset B
    For i = 0 To 94
        SymbolCharB(i) = Chr(i + 32)
    Next i

    ' Symbols in charset C
    SymbolCharC(0) = "00"
    SymbolCharC(1) = "01"
    SymbolCharC(2) = "02"
    SymbolCharC(3) = "03"
    SymbolCharC(4) = "04"
    SymbolCharC(5) = "05"
    SymbolCharC(6) = "06"
    SymbolCharC(7) = "07"
    SymbolCharC(8) = "08"
    SymbolCharC(9) = "09"
    For i = 10 To 99
        SymbolCharC(i) = CStr(i)
    Next i

    ' bit sequences
    SymbolString(0) = "11011001100"
    SymbolString(1) = "11001101100"
    SymbolString(2) = "11001100110"
    SymbolString(3) = "10010011000"
    SymbolString(4) = "10010001100"
    SymbolString(5) = "10001001100"
    SymbolString(6) = "10011001000"
    SymbolString(7) = "10011000100"
    SymbolString(8) = "10001100100"
    SymbolString(9) = "11001001000"
    SymbolString(10) = "11001000100"
    SymbolString(11) = "11000100100"
    SymbolString(12) = "10110011100"
    SymbolString(13) = "10011011100"
    SymbolString(14) = "10011001110"
    SymbolString(15) = "10111001100"
    SymbolString(16) = "10011101100"
    SymbolString(17) = "10011100110"
    SymbolString(18) = "11001110010"
    SymbolString(19) = "11001011100"
    SymbolString(20) = "11001001110"
    SymbolString(21) = "11011100100"
    SymbolString(22) = "11001110100"
    SymbolString(23) = "11101101110"
    SymbolString(24) = "11101001100"
    SymbolString(25) = "11100101100"
    SymbolString(26) = "11100100110"
    SymbolString(27) = "11101100100"
    SymbolString(28) = "11100110100"
    SymbolString(29) = "11100110010"
    SymbolString(30) = "11011011000"
    SymbolString(31) = "11011000110"
    SymbolString(32) = "11000110110"
    SymbolString(33) = "10100011000"
    SymbolString(34) = "10001011000"
    SymbolString(35) = "10001000110"
    SymbolString(36) = "10110001000"
    SymbolString(37) = "10001101000"
    SymbolString(38) = "10001100010"
    SymbolString(39) = "11010001000"
    SymbolString(40) = "11000101000"
    SymbolString(41) = "11000100010"
    SymbolString(42) = "10110111000"
    SymbolString(43) = "10110001110"
    SymbolString(44) = "10001101110"
    SymbolString(45) = "10111011000"
    SymbolString(46) = "10111000110"
    SymbolString(47) = "10001110110"
    SymbolString(48) = "11101110110"
    SymbolString(49) = "11010001110"
    SymbolString(50) = "11000101110"
    SymbolString(51) = "11011101000"
    SymbolString(52) = "11011100010"
    SymbolString(53) = "11011101110"
    SymbolString(54) = "11101011000"
    SymbolString(55) = "11101000110"
    SymbolString(56) = "11100010110"
    SymbolString(57) = "11101101000"
    SymbolString(58) = "11101100010"
    SymbolString(59) = "11100011010"
    SymbolString(60) = "11101111010"
    SymbolString(61) = "11001000010"
    SymbolString(62) = "11110001010"
    SymbolString(63) = "10100110000"
    SymbolString(64) = "10100001100"
    SymbolString(65) = "10010110000"
    SymbolString(66) = "10010000110"
    SymbolString(67) = "10000101100"
    SymbolString(68) = "10000100110"
    SymbolString(69) = "10110010000"
    SymbolString(70) = "10110000100"
    SymbolString(71) = "10011010000"
    SymbolString(72) = "10011000010"
    SymbolString(73) = "10000110100"
    SymbolString(74) = "10000110010"
    SymbolString(75) = "11000010010"
    SymbolString(76) = "11001010000"
    SymbolString(77) = "11110111010"
    SymbolString(78) = "11000010100"
    SymbolString(79) = "10001111010"
    SymbolString(80) = "10100111100"
    SymbolString(81) = "10010111100"
    SymbolString(82) = "10010011110"
    SymbolString(83) = "10111100100"
    SymbolString(84) = "10011110100"
    SymbolString(85) = "10011110010"
    SymbolString(86) = "11110100100"
    SymbolString(87) = "11110010100"
    SymbolString(88) = "11110010010"
    SymbolString(89) = "11011011110"
    SymbolString(90) = "11011110110"
    SymbolString(91) = "11110110110"
    SymbolString(92) = "10101111000"
    SymbolString(93) = "10100011110"
    SymbolString(94) = "10001011110"
    SymbolString(95) = "10111101000"
    SymbolString(96) = "10111100010"
    SymbolString(97) = "11110101000"
    SymbolString(98) = "11110100010"
    SymbolString(99) = "10111011110"
    SymbolString(100) = "10111101110"
    SymbolString(101) = "11101011110"
    SymbolString(102) = "11110101110"
    SymbolString(103) = "11010000100"
    SymbolString(104) = "11010010000"
    SymbolString(105) = "11010011100"
    SymbolString(106) = "11000111010"

    X = X / XmmTopt 'mm to pt
    Y = Y / YmmTopt 'mm to pt
    Height = Height / YmmTopt 'mm to pt

    If IsNumeric(Content) = True And Len(Content) Mod 2 = 0 Then 'numeric, mode C
       WeightSum = SymbolValue(105) ' start-c
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(105)
       i = 0 ' symbol count
       For j = 1 To Len(Content) Step 2
          tstr2 = Mid(Content, j, 2)
          i = i + 1
          k = 0
          Do While tstr2 <> SymbolCharC(k)
             k = k + 1
          WeightSum = WeightSum + i * SymbolValue(k)
          ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
       Next j
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(SymbolValue(WeightSum Mod 103))
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(106)
       ContentString = ContentString + Tbar_Symbol

    Else ' alpha-numeric

       ' first digit
       Select Case IsNumeric(Mid(Content, 1, 1))
       Case Is = True 'digit
          Sw = Dsw
       Case Is = False 'alpha
          Sw = Asw
       End Select
       BlockCount = 1
       BlockSw(BlockCount) = Sw
       BlockIndex = 1
       BlockLen(BlockCount) = 1 'block length

       i = 2 ' symbol index

       Do While i <= Len(Content)
          Select Case IsNumeric(Mid(Content, i, 1))
          Case Is = True 'digit
             Sw = Dsw
          Case Is = False 'alpha
             Sw = Asw
          End Select

          If Sw = BlockSw(BlockCount) Then
             BlockLen(BlockCount) = BlockLen(BlockCount) + 1
             BlockCount = BlockCount + 1
             BlockSw(BlockCount) = Sw
             BlockLen(BlockCount) = 1
             BlockIndex = BlockIndex + 1

          End If

          i = i + 1

       CharIndex = 1 'index of Content character
       SymbolIndex = 0

       For BlockIndex = 1 To BlockCount ' encoding by blocks

          If BlockSw(BlockIndex) = Dsw And BlockLen(BlockIndex) >= 4 Then ' switch to C
             Select Case BlockIndex
             Case Is = 1
                WeightSum = SymbolValue(105) ' Start-C
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(105)
             Case Else
                SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(99) 'switch c
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(99)
             End Select
             PrevSw = Dsw

             ' encoding even amount of chars in a D block
             DBlockMod2 = BlockLen(BlockIndex) Mod 2
             If DBlockMod2 <> 0 Then 'even chars always to encode
                DBlockLen = BlockLen(BlockIndex) - DBlockMod2
                DBlockLen = BlockLen(BlockIndex)
             End If

             For j = 1 To DBlockLen / 2 Step 1
                tstr2 = Mid(Content, CharIndex, 2)
                CharIndex = CharIndex + 2
                SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                k = 0
                Do While tstr2 <> SymbolCharC(k)
                   k = k + 1
                WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(k)
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
             Next j

             If DBlockMod2 <> 0 Then ' switch to B, encode 1 char
                PrevSw = Asw
                SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(100) 'switch b
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(100)

                'CharIndex = CharIndex + 1
                SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                tstr1 = Mid(Content, CharIndex, 1)
                k = 0
                Do While tstr1 <> SymbolCharB(k)
                   k = k + 1
                WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(k)
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
             End If

          Else 'alpha in B mode
             Select Case BlockIndex
             Case Is = 1
             '   PrevSw = Asw
                WeightSum = SymbolValue(104) ' start-b
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(104)
             Case Else
                If PrevSw <> Asw Then
                   SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                   WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(100) 'switch b
                   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(100)

                End If
             End Select
             PrevSw = Asw

             For j = CharIndex To CharIndex + BlockLen(BlockIndex) - 1 Step 1
                tstr1 = Mid(Content, j, 1)
                SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                k = 0
                Do While tstr1 <> SymbolCharB(k)
                   k = k + 1
                WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(k)
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
             Next j
             CharIndex = j

          End If
       Next BlockIndex
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(SymbolValue(WeightSum Mod 103))
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(106)
       ContentString = ContentString + Tbar_Symbol

    End If

       If MaxWidth > 0 And Len(ContentString) * LineWeight * XmmTopt > MaxWidth Then
          LineWeight = MaxWidth / (Len(ContentString) * XmmTopt)
          LineWeight = LineWeight / XCompRatio
       End If

    'Barcode drawing
    CurBar = 0

    For i = 1 To Len(ContentString)
        Select Case Mid(ContentString, i, 1)
        Case 0
            CurBar = CurBar + 1
        Case 1
            CurBar = CurBar + 1
            With TargetSheet.Shapes.AddLine(X + (CurBar * LineWeight) * XCompRatio, Y, X + (CurBar * LineWeight) * XCompRatio, (Y + Height)).Line
            .Weight = LineWeight
            .ForeColor.RGB = vbBlack
            End With
        End Select
    Next i

End Sub

Então você pode desenhar o código de barras com uma função como esta

Sub test()
   Code128Generate_v2 0, 5, 15, 1.5, ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "0123456789ABCDEFGH", 90
   Code128Generate_v2 154, 0, 8, 0.8, Worksheets("Template"), Worksheets("Template").Cells(2, 3).Value, 90
End Sub

É claro que você também pode converter a função em uma UDF para chamá-la de uma fórmula. Eu testei no Excel 2016 no Windows 10 e a saída pode ser lida perfeitamente por leitores de código de barras

Este é um exemplo do autor

por 15.01.2018 / 07:52

Você pode exportar um arquivo CSV do Excel e carregá-lo em algum serviço on-line para gerar o código de barras solicitado:


por 12.01.2018 / 15:29