Esse é um caso de eu substituir a unidade ou o disco ter consertado isso e tudo ficará bem?
Você deve fazer o backup desse disco, pois ele pode falhar a qualquer momento. Fique de olho nesse valor e veja se ele aumenta.
This is a critical parameter. Degradation of this parameter may indicate imminent drive failure. Urgent data backup and hardware replacement is recommended.
S.M.A.R.T. Atributo: contagem de eventos de realocação
Reallocation Event Count S.M.A.R.T. parameter indicates a count of remap operations (transferring data from a bad sector to a special reserved disk area - spare area).
The raw value of this attribute shows the total number of attempts to transfer data from reallocated sectors to a spare area. Unsuccessful attempts are counted as well as successful. Since this is a count value, it can only increase. Recommendations
This is a critical parameter. Degradation of this parameter may indicate imminent drive failure. Urgent data backup and hardware replacement is recommended.
Fonte S.M.A.R.T. Atributo: contagem de eventos de realocação