Mensagens enviadas apenas ficam presas na fila
Você precisa usar a porta 587 com o TLS.
- Gmail SMTP port (TLS): 587
- Gmail SMTP port (SSL): 465
Fonte Quais são as configurações SMTP do Gmail?
Estou recebendo uma mensagem de erro informando que meu aplicativo não é seguro
Someone just tried to sign in to your Google Account [email protected] from an app that doesn't meet modern security standards.
Você precisa alterar uma configuração na sua conta do Gmail.
Faça login no Gmail
Vá para "Minha conta"
Selecione "Login e segurança"
Role até o final da página
Defina "Permitir aplicativos menos seguros" como "ATIVADO"
- TheMailapponyouriPhoneoriPadwithiOS6orbelow
- TheMailapponyourWindowsphoneprecedingthe8.1release
- SomeDesktopmailclientslikeMicrosoftOutlookandMozillaThunderbird
TohelpkeepGoogleAppsusers'accountssecure,wemayblocklesssecureappsfromaccessingGoogleAppsaccounts.AsaGoogleAppsuser,youwillseea"Password incorrect" error when trying to sign in. If this is the case, you have two options:
Option 1: Upgrade to a more secure app that uses the most up to date security measures. All Google products, like Gmail, use the latest security measures.
Option 2: Change your settings to allow less secure apps to access your account. We don't recommend this option because it might make it easier for someone to break into your account. If you want to allow access anyway, follow these steps:
- Go to the "Less secure apps" section in My Account.
- Next to "Access for less secure apps," select Turn on. (Note to Google Apps users: This setting is hidden if your administrator has locked less secure app account access.)
Fonte Como permitir que aplicativos menos seguros acessem sua conta