Arquivo ausente: Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll
Você precisa instalar o Console de Administração do WSUS 3.0 SP2 .
You need to explicitly install the WSUS Admin Console on the development machine (to reference it), and you must install the WSUS Admin Console on any machine that is intended to use your project.
The DLL is not licensed for redistribution, but it must physically exist on the local machine. The only way to get it (legally) is to install the WSUS Admin Console. The console requires the .NET Framework v2.0 and an authenticated connection to the WSUS server (i.e. the console machine and the WSUS server must have a domain trust relationship).
Origem DLL de administração do Windows Update Services
Este arquivo Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll
também é instalado como parte do Windows Server Update Services Service Pack 1:
Fonte Descrição do Windows Server Update Services Service Pack 1