Com base nos comentários, o que você realmente precisa neste caso é uma lista de todos os arquivos cujos nomes são maiores do que alguns caracteres - e, felizmente, isso é relativamente fácil usando find
regex :
find $PWD -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*[^/]{255,}$'
Para um número tão grande de arquivos e diretórios, você provavelmente desejará evitar a classificação. Em vez disso, mantenha apenas um registro dos nomes dos arquivos mais longos e mais longos e dos caminhos completos deles:
find $PWD -printf '%p$ find $PWD -printf '%pfind $PWD -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*[^/]{255,}$'
' | gawk -v RS='find $PWD -printf '%p$ find $PWD -printf '%p%pre%' | gawk -v RS='%pre%' '
# get the length of the basename of the current filepath
n = split($0,a,"/");
currlen = length(a[n]);
if (currlen > p[1][1]) {
# bump the current longest to 2nd place
p[2][1] = p[1][1]; p[2][2] = p[1][2];
# store the new 1st place length and pathname
p[1][1] = currlen; p[1][2] = $0;
else if (currlen > p[2][1]) {
# store the new 2st place length and pathname
p[2][1] = currlen; p[2][2] = $0;
for (i in p[1]) printf "(%d) %d : %s\n", i, p[i][1], p[i][2];
' | awk -v RS='%pre%' '
# get the length of the basename of the current filepath
n = split($0,a,"/");
currlen = length(a[n]);
if (currlen > l[1]) {
# bump the current longest to 2nd place
l[2] = l[1]; p[2] = p[1];
# store the new 1st place length and pathname
l[1] = currlen; p[1] = $0;
else if (currlen > l[2]) {
# store the new 2st place length and pathname
l[2] = currlen; p[2] = $0;
for (i in l) printf "(%d) %d : %s\n", i, l[i], p[i];
' '
# get the length of the basename of the current filepath
n = split($0,a,"/");
currlen = length(a[n]);
if (currlen > p[1][1]) {
# bump the current longest to 2nd place
p[2][1] = p[1][1]; p[2][2] = p[1][2];
# store the new 1st place length and pathname
p[1][1] = currlen; p[1][2] = $0;
else if (currlen > p[2][1]) {
# store the new 2st place length and pathname
p[2][1] = currlen; p[2][2] = $0;
for (i in p[1]) printf "(%d) %d : %s\n", i, p[i][1], p[i][2];
' | awk -v RS='%pre%' '
# get the length of the basename of the current filepath
n = split($0,a,"/");
currlen = length(a[n]);
if (currlen > l[1]) {
# bump the current longest to 2nd place
l[2] = l[1]; p[2] = p[1];
# store the new 1st place length and pathname
l[1] = currlen; p[1] = $0;
else if (currlen > l[2]) {
# store the new 2st place length and pathname
l[2] = currlen; p[2] = $0;
for (i in l) printf "(%d) %d : %s\n", i, l[i], p[i];
ou com o GNU awk (que suporta arrays 2D)