A patente diz:
However, there are particular devices that do not follow the IEEE 802.3 Auto-Negotiation Protocol, and are instead forced into either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps operation. Customers who use the Auto-MDI/MDIX algorithm have grown used to not requiring special crossover cables with products that implement the algorithm. When they force speed/duplex for some limited applications, the algorithm breaks down and link is not established. The root of the problem lies in the Auto-Negotiation state machine which turns off an auto-negotiating (AN) transmitter if it detects non-FLP (non Fast Link Pulse) energy on the wire (as occurring during forced mode). When that AN transmitter is turned off, it will cause the Auto-MDI/MDIX node to incorrectly determine its link state and cycle endlessly. The logical elements described below will allow operation of Auto-MDI/MDIX with nodes that are Auto-Negotiating even when the node in question is operated in forced mode.
Portanto, se você definir a velocidade / duplex manualmente, isso desativará a negociação automática e alterará o sinal no fio. Isso faz com que o fim outro desligue também a negociação automática. O algoritmo Auto-MDI / MDIX não pode mais funcionar se tiver um link ou não e não funcionar.
(A patente cobre basicamente "tente trocar os pares de conexão, aleatoriamente, a cada poucos milissegundos, até que um link seja estabelecido")