Ferramenta para desabilitar pastas Zip no Explorador de Arquivos do Windows 7


Existe uma ferramenta ou configuração simples para desabilitar o Windows 7 Explorer de abrir pastas zip? Há um registro hack dado em Como impedir que janelas abram pastas Zip na visão do explorador? mas eu prefiro não hackear o registro.

por weberjn 25.06.2013 / 16:40

1 resposta


Experimente os passos descritos aqui :

For zip files delete the regkey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{E88DCCE0-B7B3-11d1-A9F0-00AA0060FA31}

When you try to delete them, you will almost certainly get an "access denied" or "failed" type of message. Before you can delete them, you need to change the permissions/ownership of these two keys. Here is how to do it:

01 - open regedit from the RUN console

02 - navigate to the first key that needs to be deleted (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{E88DCCE0- B7B3-11d1-A9F0-00AA0060FA31})

03 - right click on the key and select "Permissions"

04 - click on "Advanced"

05 - click on the "Ownership" tab

06 - in the "change owner to" section, highlight your username

07 - check the box for "replace owner on subcontainers and objects"

08 - click on "Apply"

09 - Click "OK"

10 - Under "Security" tab, highlight your username and check the box for "Allow Full Control" (located mid-menu in the "Permissions For Administrators" section)

11 - click "Apply" and "OK"

12 - you can now delete the registry key. MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON THE CORRECT KEY!

13 - repeat the process for the 2nd key.

14 - reboot (changes will NOT take effect until you reboot


16 - thanks to the original solvers of this problem, whomever they may be.

A fonte fala sobre a desassociação dos arquivos .cab , e é por isso que há a menção sobre duas chaves.

por 25.06.2013 / 17:29
