O que é um driver sintonizado por laser?


À procura de microfones com uma boa resposta de frequência, encontrei auscultadores USB. Esses fones de ouvido aparentemente vêm com 'drivers sintonizados por laser'; Alguém está ciente de que um driver sintonizado a laser é no contexto de microfones / fones de ouvido com cancelamento de ruído? O que torna um driver sintonizado a laser um recurso de venda?

por Everyone 23.07.2012 / 15:05

1 resposta


Parece ser a marca da Logitech. Tente este link da Logitech link

A better listening experience

You listen to a lot of things on your computer. Distortion shouldn’t be one of them. That’s where our headsets with laser-tuned drivers come in. They minimize distortion so you can hear what you want to hear—and not what you don’t.

Tuning out distortion

A driver, otherwise known as the speaker, is the device in your headset that converts PC audio signals into the sound you hear. Most are developed with acoustic measurements alone. But, because we use laser measurements, we can pinpoint potential distortion and eliminate more of it.

With laser tuning, we analyze the physics behind the mechanical motion of each component of the driver. That analysis guides our design. And that means you hear your audio in crystal-clear detail—just the way you were meant to.

por 23.07.2012 / 15:08
