Como instalo plugins no Gvim?


Eu quero fazer scripts R no Gvim. Eu baixei um arquivo zip chamado Então o que?

por AWE 17.04.2012 / 00:23

1 resposta



  1. Installation


Make a backup of your ~/.vim directory because existing files will be replaced. Please, look at |r-plugin-files| to see the list of files.

3.2. Operating system specific instructions


3.2.1. Unix (Linux, OS X, etc.)

Uncompress the archive:

unzip vim-r-plugin-*.zip -d ~/.vim

Start Vim and build the tags file for this document (and others that eventually are in the same directory):

:helptags ~/.vim/doc


3.1. General instructions I


You need to activate plugins and indentation according to 'filetype'. You should have at least the following options in your |vimrc|:

set nocompatible
syntax enable
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on

"Seu vimrc" geralmente é ~/.vimrc mesmo para gvim, como aponta @garyjohn.

por 17.04.2012 / 00:36