Como conectar a câmera HDMI ao Linux?


No fedora ou no centos linux é possível conectar a câmera HDMI ao dispositivo de captura HDMI ( link ). E pegar o vídeo para reprodução do Linux? Ou ainda haverá problemas de driver?

por YumYumYum 26.08.2011 / 14:37

1 resposta



Desktop Video 8.0.1 for Linux
Date Added: 13 May 2011
Size: 174.15 MB
If you can't find the answer to your question in our support material, please contact us via telephone or email. For technical support in the United States, please have your hardware details and software version ready then: Telephone +1 408 954 0500


Supported distributions

This release has been tested on:

    * Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop
    * Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop
    * Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop/Server
    * Ubuntu 9.10, 10.04
    * Fedora Core 10/11/12 & 13 (See known issues)
    * OpenSUSE 11.1
    * CentOS 5

Several different package formats are supplied:

    * Native package (.deb) for Ubuntu and Debian based distribution.
    * Native package (.rpm) for RedHat and RedHat based distribution.
    * Native package (.rpm) for OpenSUSE and OpenSUSE based distribution.
    * Tarball for expert/custom installation (or re-packaging).

por 26.08.2011 / 21:54