Spooler de Impressão do Windows 7 que causa a falha do Word


Estou investigando esse problema em uma das redes de clientes há algumas semanas, tentando coisas diferentes.

Encontrei este post na Microsoft Technet de um cara com exatamente o mesmo problema, Então eu pensei em tentar repostá-lo aqui para ver se recebo alguma resposta positiva. Se algum de vocês puder me ajudar, vou passar a resposta para Randy no Technet e dar crédito onde é necessário, com um link, a menos que haja objeções a isso!

I have tried everything I could find by searching but the searches are now either repeating themselves or saturated with unrelated solutions so I figured I should just ask.

My domain is running windows 2k8 R2 print server.

Clients are Dell Latitudes E6410/6510, sony viaos, and toshiba proteges pushing Windows 7 pro 64bit with office 2k7 pro, adobe 8pro and networked printers (Ricoh, HP)

The problem: Print spooler will not be working after a computer start/restart or after a computer is disconnected from the domain. restarting the print spooler service will usually fix it and the machine will work fine for the rest of the day or until it is restarted. I get NO ERROR MSG stating that print spooler crashed after bootup. When I check the services it shows that print spooler is started and that there are no problems with it but when you try to open printers or word they will both hang. restarting print spooler is the only way to fix it.

What I already tried: different drivers, re-installing office, re-installing adobe 8 pro, replacing normal.dot, clearing printer temps/folders, registry fixes and system scans. I even went as far as taking a laptop, doing a clean format/install with win7pro 64bit, doing all of the windows/office/adobe update after installing office 2k7 pro, adobe and the printers and it still crashes the exact same way. Also tried the following and a couple more and none of the worked:

Scenario 1: computer starts, staff attempts to open word and word will hang. I will then force close word, check printers and sure enough the printers aren't showing. So I restart the printer spooler service and everything starts working back up.

por Tristan 24.05.2011 / 12:29

1 resposta


Você usou o aplicativo Clean Spool no Server Resource Kit? Eu sei que está no kit de recursos de 2003, não tenho certeza se está no RK de 2008.

Eu tive problemas como esse no escritório e ele parece ter sido causado por um driver de impressora que não pôde ser instalado corretamente (Driver de impressora universal da HP). Eu reinstalei o driver no servidor e, em seguida, executei o Clean Spool em cada sistema que estava tendo problemas de estabilidade / falha de aplicativo. Isso resolveu o problema para mim.

por 24.05.2011 / 15:51