Ferramenta Gerador de Log de Eventos?


Alguém pode fornecer o lead para obter a ferramenta Gerador de Log de Eventos do Windows para o Windows 2008 R2 Server. Como eu preciso preencher o arquivo de log para um aplicativo específico.

A ajuda antecipada será apreciada.

por Rajeev 19.11.2010 / 08:17

2 respostas


Já experimentou o utilitário eventcreate ?

por 19.11.2010 / 11:05

Experimente o link , ele tem uma ferramenta que pode gerar quase todos os registros de eventos.

No site:

Event Log Generator is a simple application designed to create custom Windows event logs Usage

Simply run the executable. All fields are required and cannot be left blank. Note that some event logs can only be viewed or modified by a user with administrative permissions. If you get a warning about this when you run the application, you have a few options:

Log out and log back in as the administrator Give your account administrative permissions Right click the application and select "run as", then select an administrative account to use. This is the recommended method.


During our SIEM implementation, it became necessary to write regular expressions against collected logs, so they could be normalized and correlated. I created this application to generate logs so I could test my regex's against them

por 15.10.2013 / 13:14