Usando o FileVault e o backup online no OS X


Eu uso o Carbonite para backup externo e estou pensando em usar o FileVault no meu Mac. Se eu fizer isso, o que acontecerá com o meu backup do Carbonite? A Carbonite precisará refazer todo o backup? A Carbonite funciona mesmo se o FileVault estiver ativado?

Além disso, como o FileVault joga com outros serviços como o Dropbox?

por iamtheneal 28.07.2010 / 01:07

1 resposta


De acordo com o fórum deles, o DropBox joga como um garoto de cinco anos mal-humorado em uma caixa de areia, ou seja, não tão bem:


Dropbox doesn't play well with FileVault: Spotlight won't find files in your FileVault locker including your Dropbox, if it's in the locker.

Solution: Move your Dropbox files outside of FileVault. They won't be encrypted (and you can't move them back in), but it's a temporary fix.

Alternative solution: You can teach Spotlight to index all files in your locker by adding your home folder to the list of files Spotlight should be prevented to index and subsequently removing it again. You can find the list under "Privacy" in the Sportlight settings in System Preferences. Once you added and removed the folder again, Spotlight should start indexing.

Dropbox doesn't sync until restarted for some users: No solution yet.


por 12.04.2011 / 00:15