Como instalar o INim?


Eu tenho

nim -v
Nim Compiler Version 0.18.0 [Linux: amd64]

Eu estava tentando instalar o inim

nimble install inim --verbose
Reading official package list
Downloading using git
Cloning latest tagged version: 0.2.5
Setting Nim stdlib prefix to /home/appu/Nim
Setting Nim stdlib path to /home/appu/Nim/lib
Verifying dependencies for [email protected]
Error: Couldn't find Nim version.

Eu tentei

which nim


whereis nim
nim: /usr/lib/nim /etc/nim.cfg /usr/share/nim /home/appu/bin/nim /home/appu/.nimble/bin/nim /home/appu/Nim/bin/nim

O que devo fazer?

por Jayadevan Vijayan 01.06.2018 / 06:28

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