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Você pode executar MpCmdRun
de um cmd
Se você executá-lo com um argumento -?
, ele exibirá todas as opções de comando possíveis.
MpCmdRun -?
Use a ferramenta de linha de comando mpcmdrun.exe para configurar e gerenciar o Windows Defender Antivirus
Applies to:
Windows 10
Enterprise security administrators
You can use a dedicated command-line tool to perform various functions in Windows Defender Antivirus.
This utility can be useful when you want to automate the use of Windows Defender Antivirus.
The utility is available in
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe
and must be run from a command prompt.Note
You may need to open an administrator-level version of the command prompt. Right-click the item in the Start menu, click Run as administrator and click Yes at the permissions prompt.
The utility has the following commands:
MpCmdRun.exe [command] [-options] Command Description - ? or -h Displays all available options for the tool -Scan [-ScanType #] [-File [-DisableRemediation] [-BootSectorScan]][-Timeout ] Scans for malicious software -Trace [-Grouping #] [-Level #] Starts diagnostic tracing -GetFiles Collects support information -RemoveDefinitions [-All] Restores the installed signature definitions to a previous backup copy or to the original default set of signatures -AddDynamicSignature [-Path] Loads a dynamic signature -ListAllDynamicSignature [-Path] Lists the loaded dynamic signatures -RemoveDynamicSignature [-SignatureSetID] Removes a dynamic signature -ValidateMapsConnection Used to validate connection to the cloud-delivered protection service -SignatureUpdate [-UNC [-Path ]] Checks for new definition updates
E as outras opções -ScheduleJob -ScanTrigger 55
As outras opções mencionadas -ScheduleJob -ScanTrigger 55
não são documentadas pela Microsoft.
No entanto, encontrei a seguinte pergunta:
Will you please educate me and document the following three command line parameters for MpCmdRun.exe
- ScheduleJob
- WinTask
- RestrictPrivilegesScan
A resposta de um Microsoft MSVP foi:
This command line option is for internal use. If you explain what you are trying to accomplish, I'm happy to help you achieve it with our documented interfaces.
Fonte Parâmetros de linha de comando ScheduleJob, WinTask, RestrictPrivilegesScan
Não é muito útil.
Eu também encontrei isto:
In the "Add arguments (optional)" field, type
Scan -ScheduleJob
-ScheduleJob -ScanType2', and then click OK. The first option is for a quick scan and the second is for a full scan.
Novamente, não é muito útil.
Fonte Agendamento de verificações