Configuração do SLURM: cons_res com CR_Core ou não pode alocar recursos ou tarefas no status do CG


Eu sou novo no SLURM. Eu estou tentando configurar o slurm em um novo cluster.

Eu tenho 4 nós cada um tem 14 núcleos. Eu queria compartilhar os nós de maneira que cada núcleo pudesse ser executado independentemente (ou seja, o node01 pode ter 14 jobs seriais independentes acontecendo ao mesmo tempo), mas nenhum core deve executar mais de um job. Passando pelo documentaion eu percebi que precisava definir

SelectType              = select/cons_res
SelectTypeParameters    = CR_CORE

Então fiz isso em slurm.conf e reiniciei slurmctld . Mas agora, se eu enviar um trabalho, eu não consigo encontrar a configuração do nó, ou o trabalho acaba no estado CG.

Exemplo 1:

 [sr@clstr mpitests]$ cat newHello.slrm 
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4

module add shared openmpi/gcc/64 slurm

module load somesh/scripts/1.0

mpirun helloMPIf90

Leva a:

[sr@clstr mpitests]$ sbatch -v newHello.slrm 
sbatch: defined options for program 'sbatch'
sbatch: ----------------- ---------------------
sbatch: user              : 'sr'
sbatch: uid               : 1003
sbatch: gid               : 1003
sbatch: cwd               : /home/sr/clusterTests/mpitests
sbatch: ntasks            : 4 (set)
sbatch: nodes             : 1-1
sbatch: jobid             : 4294967294 (default)
sbatch: partition         : default
sbatch: profile           : 'NotSet'
sbatch: job name          : 'newHello.slrm'
sbatch: reservation       : '(null)'
sbatch: wckey             : '(null)'
sbatch: distribution      : unknown
sbatch: verbose           : 1
sbatch: immediate         : false
sbatch: overcommit        : false
sbatch: time_limit        : 1
sbatch: nice              : -2
sbatch: account           : (null)
sbatch: comment           : (null)
sbatch: dependency        : (null)
sbatch: qos               : (null)
sbatch: constraints       : 
sbatch: geometry          : (null)
sbatch: reboot            : yes
sbatch: rotate            : no
sbatch: network           : (null)
sbatch: array             : N/A
sbatch: cpu_freq_min      : 4294967294
sbatch: cpu_freq_max      : 4294967294
sbatch: cpu_freq_gov      : 4294967294
sbatch: mail_type         : NONE
sbatch: mail_user         : (null)
sbatch: sockets-per-node  : -2
sbatch: cores-per-socket  : -2
sbatch: threads-per-core  : -2
sbatch: ntasks-per-node   : 4
sbatch: ntasks-per-socket : -2
sbatch: ntasks-per-core   : -2
sbatch: mem_bind          : default
sbatch: plane_size        : 4294967294
sbatch: propagate         : NONE
sbatch: switches          : -1
sbatch: wait-for-switches : -1
sbatch: core-spec         : NA
sbatch: burst_buffer      : '(null)'
sbatch: remote command    : '/home/sr/clusterTests/mpitests/newHello.slrm'
sbatch: power             : 
sbatch: wait              : yes
sbatch: Consumable Resources (CR) Node Selection plugin loaded with argument 4
sbatch: Cray node selection plugin loaded
sbatch: Linear node selection plugin loaded with argument 4
sbatch: Serial Job Resource Selection plugin loaded with argument 4
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Requested node configuration is not available

Exemplo 2:

[sr@clstr mpitests]$ cat newHello.slrm 
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1

module add shared openmpi/gcc/64 slurm

module load somesh/scripts/1.0


Leva a:

[sr@clstr mpitests]$ sbatch -v newHello.slrm 
sbatch: defined options for program 'sbatch'
sbatch: ----------------- ---------------------
sbatch: user              : 'sr'
sbatch: uid               : 1003
sbatch: gid               : 1003
sbatch: cwd               : /home/sr/clusterTests/mpitests
sbatch: ntasks            : 1 (set)
sbatch: nodes             : 1-1
sbatch: jobid             : 4294967294 (default)
sbatch: partition         : default
sbatch: profile           : 'NotSet'
sbatch: job name          : 'newHello.slrm'
sbatch: reservation       : '(null)'
sbatch: wckey             : '(null)'
sbatch: distribution      : unknown
sbatch: verbose           : 1
sbatch: immediate         : false
sbatch: overcommit        : false
sbatch: time_limit        : 1
sbatch: nice              : -2
sbatch: account           : (null)
sbatch: comment           : (null)
sbatch: dependency        : (null)
sbatch: qos               : (null)
sbatch: constraints       : 
sbatch: geometry          : (null)
sbatch: reboot            : yes
sbatch: rotate            : no
sbatch: network           : (null)
sbatch: array             : N/A
sbatch: cpu_freq_min      : 4294967294
sbatch: cpu_freq_max      : 4294967294
sbatch: cpu_freq_gov      : 4294967294
sbatch: mail_type         : NONE
sbatch: mail_user         : (null)
sbatch: sockets-per-node  : -2
sbatch: cores-per-socket  : -2
sbatch: threads-per-core  : -2
sbatch: ntasks-per-node   : 1
sbatch: ntasks-per-socket : -2
sbatch: ntasks-per-core   : -2
sbatch: mem_bind          : default
sbatch: plane_size        : 4294967294
sbatch: propagate         : NONE
sbatch: switches          : -1
sbatch: wait-for-switches : -1
sbatch: core-spec         : NA
sbatch: burst_buffer      : '(null)'
sbatch: remote command    : '/home/sr/clusterTests/mpitests/newHello.slrm'
sbatch: power             : 
sbatch: wait              : yes
sbatch: Consumable Resources (CR) Node Selection plugin loaded with argument 4
sbatch: Cray node selection plugin loaded
sbatch: Linear node selection plugin loaded with argument 4
sbatch: Serial Job Resource Selection plugin loaded with argument 4
Submitted batch job 108

[sr@clstr mpitests]$ squeue 
               108      defq newHello     sr CG       0:01      1 node001

[sr@clstr mpitests]$ scontrol show job=108
JobId=108 JobName=newHello.slrm
   UserId=sr(1003) GroupId=sr(1003) MCS_label=N/A
   Priority=4294901756 Nice=0 Account=(null) QOS=normal
   JobState=COMPLETING Reason=NonZeroExitCode Dependency=(null)
   Requeue=1 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=1:0
   RunTime=00:00:01 TimeLimit=00:01:00 TimeMin=N/A
   SubmitTime=2017-03-03T18:25:51 EligibleTime=2017-03-03T18:25:51
   StartTime=2017-03-03T18:26:01 EndTime=2017-03-03T18:26:02 Deadline=N/A
   PreemptTime=None SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0
   Partition=defq AllocNode:Sid=clstr:20260
   ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
   NumNodes=1 NumCPUs=1 NumTasks=1 CPUs/Task=1 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
   Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=1:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
   MinCPUsNode=1 MinMemoryNode=0 MinTmpDiskNode=0
   Features=(null) Gres=(null) Reservation=(null)
   OverSubscribe=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)

No caso do segundo exemplo, ele permanece no estado CG até eu reinicializar o nó.

Se eu redefinir o slurm.conf para SelectType=select/linear , as coisas se comportarão normalmente como deveriam.

Não sei onde estou cometendo erro. Isso tem a ver com a configuração do slurm, ou com o meu script de submissão de tarefas de slurm, ou algo totalmente diferente.

Se alguém puder me apontar na direção certa, isso seria muito útil.

[Nota: eu originalmente postei no stackoverflow, mas o superusuário percebido pode ser um fórum melhor.]

por Somesh 04.03.2017 / 19:19

1 resposta


Parece que eu precisei reiniciar o cluster inteiro! Agora os trabalhos se comportam como deveriam com cons_res .

Provavelmente tem a ver com problemas com o sistema de arquivos, conforme sugerido na documentação de slurm .

por 08.03.2017 / 18:53