disco rígido externo não montaria


Por favor ajude

Estou procurando algumas respostas sobre esse problema, feito isso e aquilo, mas nada prevalece.

Eu tenho um disco rígido externo Toshiba 1 TB, que é dividido em dois volumes de partição (toshiba 1 & toshiba 2), formatados em Mac OS Extended Journaled

Algumas semanas atrás, o Toshiba 2 não montaria e não seria detectado. Eu corri o primeiro socorro e feedback como abaixo:

Repairing file system.
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
Checking extents overflow file.
Checking catalog file.
Checking multi-linked files.
Checking catalog hierarchy.
Checking extended attributes file.
Checking volume bitmap.
The volume Toshiba 2 could not be verified completely.
File system check exit code is 8.
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.
File system verify or repair failed.
Operation failed…

Tentei o comando diskutil repairvolume, que é o feedback abaixo:

Started file system repair on disk3s3
Repairing file system
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
Checking extents overflow file
Checking catalog file
Checking multi-linked files
Checking catalog hierarchy
Checking extended attributes file
Checking volume bitmap
The volume Toshiba 2 could not be verified completely
File system check exit code is 8
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required
Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed
Underlying error: 8: Exec format error

Também tentei sudo / sbin / fsck_hfs -drfy / dev / disk3s3, feedback como abaixo:

** /dev/rdisk3s3
    Using cacheBlockSize=32K cacheTotalBlock=65536 cacheSize=2097152K.
   Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-366.30.3).
    Block 2 is not an MDB or Volume Header 
    CheckForClean - could not get VHB/MDB at block 975828614 
** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
   The volume name is Toshiba 2
** Checking extents overflow file.
** Checking catalog file.
** Rebuilding catalog B-tree.
Extent records for rebuilt file 4:
    [ 65933, 43264 ]
    [ 0, 0 ]
    [ 0, 0 ]
    [ 0, 0 ]
    [ 0, 0 ]
    [ 0, 0 ]
    [ 0, 0 ]
    [ 0, 0 ]
hfs_UNswap_BTNode: invalid node height (1)
btree file 4:  1000 records
btree file 4:  2000 records
btree file 4:  3000 records
btree file 4:  4000 records
btree file 4:  5000 records
btree file 4:  6000 records
btree file 4:  7000 records
btree file 4:  8000 records
btree file 4:  9000 records
btree file 4:  10000 records
btree file 4:  11000 records
btree file 4:  12000 records
btree file 4:  13000 records
btree file 4:  14000 records
btree file 4:  15000 records
btree file 4:  16000 records
btree file 4:  17000 records
btree file 4:  18000 records
btree file 4:  19000 records
btree file 4:  20000 records
btree file 4:  21000 records
btree file 4:  22000 records
btree file 4:  23000 records
** Rechecking volume.
** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
   The volume name is Toshiba 2
** Checking extents overflow file.
** Checking catalog file.
** Checking multi-linked files.
** Checking catalog hierarchy.
** Checking extended attributes file.
** Checking volume bitmap.
** The volume Toshiba 2 could not be verified completely.
    volume check failed with error 5 
    volume type is pure HFS+ 
    primary MDB is at block 0 0x00 
    alternate MDB is at block 0 0x00 
    primary VHB is at block 2 0x02 
    alternate VHB is at block 975828614 0x3a29f686 
    sector size = 512 0x200 
    VolumeObject flags = 0x07 
    total sectors for volume = 975828616 0x3a29f688 
    total sectors for embedded volume = 0 0x00 
    CheckHFS returned 5, fsmodified = 1

Como eu sei, o volume não pôde ser verificado completamente.

Por favor, ajude e obrigado antecipadamente:)

por Owen Fernando 24.01.2017 / 08:56

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