pbs_server falhou ao iniciar


Estou acompanhando o o guia de instalação de torque e tem um pequeno desvio: minha instalação está dentro de /apps/torque/6.0.1 onde /apps é um link simbólico de /disk2/apps . Estou tentando executar ./torque.setup drjrm3 , mas recebo o seguinte:

initializing TORQUE (admin: drjrm3@jarvis)

You have selected to start pbs_server in create mode.
If the server database exists it will be overwritten.
do you wish to continue y/(n)?y
ERROR: pbs_server failed to start, check syslog and server logs for more information

Ao verificar /apps/torque/6.0.1/serverHome/server_logs , vejo

07/24/2016 14:50:42.802;02;PBS_Server.1120;Svr;Log;Log opened
07/24/2016 14:50:42.802;06;PBS_Server.1120;Svr;PBS_Server;Server jarvis started, initialization type = 4
07/24/2016 14:50:42.803;01;PBS_Server.1120;Svr;PBS_Server;LOG_ERROR::Operation not permitted (1) in chk_file_sec, Security violation with "/apps/torque/6.0.1/serverHome/server_priv/queues/" - /apps/torque/6.0.1/serverHome/server_priv/queues/ is not owned by admin user
07/24/2016 14:50:42.803;01;PBS_Server.1120;Svr;PBS_Server;LOG_ERROR::Operation not permitted (1) in chk_file_sec, Security violation with "/apps/torque/6.0.1/serverHome/spool/" - /apps/torque/6.0.1/serverHome/spool/ is not owned by admin user
07/24/2016 14:50:42.803;01;PBS_Server.1120;Svr;PBS_Server;LOG_ERROR::Operation not permitted (1) in chk_file_sec, Security violation with "/apps/torque/6.0.1/serverHome/server_priv/accounting/" - /apps/torque/6.0.1/serverHome/server_priv/accounting/ is not owned by admin user
07/24/2016 14:50:42.803;01;PBS_Server.1120;Svr;PBS_Server;LOG_ERROR::Operation not permitted (1) in chk_file_sec, Security violation with "/apps/torque/6.0.1/serverHome/server_priv/credentials/" - /apps/torque/6.0.1/serverHome/server_priv/credentials/ is not owned by admin user
07/24/2016 14:50:42.803;01;PBS_Server.1120;Svr;PBS_Server;LOG_ERROR::Operation not permitted (1) in chk_file_sec, Security violation with "/disk2" - /disk2 is not owned by admin user
07/24/2016 14:50:42.803;01;PBS_Server.1120;Svr;PBS_Server;LOG_ERROR::PBS_Server, pbsd_init failed

mas isso não faz sentido, pois esse usuário é o proprietário desses diretórios. Eu até tentei chmod 755 alguns dos diretórios e ainda não consegui alterar esses erros.

Por que minha inicialização de pbs_server está falhando e como posso corrigir isso?

por drjrm3 24.07.2016 / 21:55

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