Ainda estou tentando obter um acesso remoto ao MS SQL Server em uma das minhas máquinas Windows.
Eu permiti o acesso no meu firewall do Windows como pode ser visto aqui e aqui . Eu também abri o porto no CoMoDo FW como pode ser visto aqui .
Mas tentar acessar a máquina pelo Linux com busybox telnet 1433
não produz "Connected".
O próprio servidor está configurado para aceitar as conexões remotas.
Que outras configurações estão faltando?
C:\Users\Igor>netsh firewall add allowedprogram program="C:\Program Files\Micros
oft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe" name="Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 Database Engine Access" profile=domain,private
The syntax supplied for this command is not valid. Check help for the correct sy
add allowedprogram
[ program = ] path
[ name = ] name
[ [ mode = ] ENABLE|DISABLE
[ addresses = ] addresses
Adds firewall allowed program configuration.
program - Program path and file name.
name - Program name.
mode - Program mode (optional).
ENABLE - Allow through firewall (default).
DISABLE - Do not allow through firewall.
scope - Program scope (optional).
ALL - Allow all traffic through firewall (default).
SUBNET - Allow only local network (subnet) traffic through firewall.
CUSTOM - Allow only specified traffic through firewall.
addresses - Custom scope addresses (optional).
This comma-separated scope can contain IPv4 addresses,
IPv6 addresses, subnets, ranges, or the keyword LocalSubnet.
profile - Configuration profile (optional).
CURRENT - Applies to the active profile. Active profile can be domain,
standard (i.e. private), or public. (default).
DOMAIN - Applies to the domain profile.
STANDARD - Applies to the standard (i.e. private) profile.
ALL - Applies to the domain and standard (i.e. private) profile.
Does not apply to the public profile.
Remarks: 'scope' must be 'CUSTOM' to specify 'addresses'.
'addresses' can not contain Unspecified or Loopback addresses.
add allowedprogram C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe "My Application" ENABLE
add allowedprogram C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe "My Application" ENABLE CUSTOM,,,
add allowedprogram program=C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe name="My Application"
add allowedprogram program=C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe name="My Application"
mode=ENABLE scope=CUSTOM addresses=,,,
IMPORTANT: "netsh firewall" is deprecated;
use "netsh advfirewall firewall" instead.
For more information on using "netsh advfirewall firewall" commands
instead of "netsh firewall", see KB article 947709
at .
[/ EDIT]
O SQL Server escuta em 1433 como pode ser visto aqui
[/ EDIT2]
Tags remote-access sql-server