Como mudar sua senha do ssh & filezilla no ovh?


Como você muda sua senha ssh? Posso mudá-lo através do painel de controle do ovh ou algo assim? Além disso, como altero minha senha do filezilla?

por Crypt Junior 25.01.2016 / 02:58

1 resposta


Como mudo minha senha ssh da OVH?

Upon delivery of your server (under Redhat), you receive an email summary containing two passwords. The first is used for the root account via SSH and webmin, the second for MySQL.

Upon delivery, the passwords for SSH and webmin are synchronised perfectly but you can use a different password to log in as root in SSH than from the one you use to log on as root through webmin. Similarly, you may need for different reasons to modify any of these passwords.

SSH Access

To change the root password that you use to log into SSH, you must be logged in and use the SSH command passwd. The system then asks for the new password:

[root@julien /]# passwd
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully

The last line indicates when the password has been changed successfully. These changes do not affect the root password for webmin. Similarly, when you are logged in as root through SSH, you can change the password of any user of the server. This affects the password used by that user to log into SSH and / or FTP. The command is as follows (user represents the user's login):

[root@julien /]# passwd user

Fonte Quais são as senhas diferentes no meu servidor? Como editar?

por 25.01.2016 / 18:06
