Aqui está uma versão do VBA. As fórmulas são uma má escolha para isso, já que você precisará de um 'RandomID' fixo armazenado em algum lugar. Além disso (neste caso, talvez não seja importante), mas se o nome de alguém muda (casamento ou similar), ele mudaria seu UserID. Essa solução fornece uma saída fixa que não será alterada quando você modificar a pasta de trabalho e só será alterada se você alterar manualmente a célula. Ele também verifica o UID que a configuração é única.
Public Sub GenerateUserIDs()
'Get a quantity of rows by checking B2 for the last non empty cell. Add 1 because we have a header and
'it won't be included
NumRows = Range("B2", Range("B2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count + 1
'Loop through all our rows, starting at 2
For X = 2 To NumRows
'Check each row, if column A is empty
If IsEmpty(Range("A" & X)) Then
Dim FName, LName, UID, ProposedUID, MaxNumberOfLoops, NumberOfLoops
'If it is, get their first and last name
FName = Range("B" & X).Value
LName = Range("C" & X).Value
'Set a maximum number of loops (If it loops more than this, quit, or we have an infinite loop
'and Excel will crash)
MaxNumberOfLoops = 400
NumberOfLoops = 0
'Set the UID without the random number
UID = "AA_" & Left(FName, 3) & Left(LName, 3)
'Keep looping until we find a UID that doesn't already exist
'Add a loop count
NumberOfLoops = NumberOfLoops + 1
'Check if we've exceeded the loops
If NumberOfLoops > MaxNumberOfLoops Then
'We have. Message box and quit!
MsgBox "Exceeded " & MaxNumberOfLoops
Exit Sub
End If
'Add the Random Number to our UID before testing if it exists
ProposedUID = UID & RandomBetween(100, 999)
Loop While CheckUIDExists(ProposedUID, NumRows)
'We're out of the loop, so our UID is indeed unique. Set it in column A of the current row
Range("A" & X).Value = ProposedUID
End If
'On to the next row!
End Sub
Function RandomBetween(Low As Long, High As Long)
'Randomize the numbers (must be run to get a truly random number'
'Get a number between our highest and lowest
RandomBetween = Int((High - Low + 1) * Rnd + Low)
End Function
Function CheckUIDExists(ProposedUID, NumRows)
'Again loop through all our rows
For i = 2 To NumRows
'Check if column A contains our proposed UID
If Cells(i, 1).Value = ProposedUID Then
'If it does, send True back, indicating it needs to run again
CheckUIDExists = True
'Quit early because we don't need to test any more rows
Exit Function
End If
'On to the next row...
Next i
'We've done the entire loop, so it doesn't exist, return a False, indicating we can use that UID
CheckUIDExists = False
End Function
Enquanto não houver nada no UserID, ele será preenchido automaticamente para você