clique direito travar explorer.exe no windows 10


Estou tendo alguns problemas com o Windows 10. Toda vez que clico com o botão direito em determinados arquivos, o Explorer.exe é reiniciado completamente. Eu não sei porque, mas é muito chato usar o computador assim. Antes de perguntar, eu não fiz nada para o registro, nem para as permissões do grupo. Eu dei aos usuários acesso total ao disco rígido, porque sou o único usuário.

Descobri que ele falha quando clico com o botão direito do mouse em .dll e .exe arquivos. Não sei se ele trava com outras extensões de arquivo, apenas tentei com essas extensões.

por eduardoimm 07.10.2015 / 16:08

1 resposta


A falha é causada por um driver Realtek Audio extremamente antigo de 2008, que tenta liberar memória que contém uma seção crítica , o que não é permitido:

Freeing heap block containing an active critical section.
This stop is generated if a heap allocation contains a critical section,
the allocation is freed and the critical section has not been deleted.
To debug this stop use the following debugger commands:
$ !cs -s parameter1 - dump information about this critical section.
$ ln parameter1 - to show symbols near the address of the critical section.
This should help identify the leaked critical section.
$ dps parameter2 - to dump the stack trace for this critical section initialization.
$ parameter3 and parameter4 might help understand where this heap block was
allocated (the size of the allocation is probably significant). 
Arg1: 0f26059c, Critical section address. Run !cs -s <address> to get more information. 
Arg2: 04a2d40c, Critical section initialization stack trace. Run dps <address> to dump the stack trace. 
Arg3: 0f260230, Heap block address. 
Arg4: 000020f8, Heap block size. 

00 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
01 ntdll!NtWaitForMultipleObjects
02 ntdll!RtlReportExceptionEx
03 ntdll!RtlReportException
04 verifier!AVrfpVectoredExceptionHandler
05 ntdll!RtlpCallVectoredHandlers
06 ntdll!RtlDispatchException
07 ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher
08 verifier!VerifierStopMessageEx
09 verifier!AVrfpFreeMemLockChecks
0a verifier!AVrfpFreeMemNotify
0b verifier!AVrfpRtlFreeHeap
0c msvcrt!free
0d verifier!AVrfp_delete
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
0e RtkAPO
0f RtkAPO
11 OneDriveSettingSyncProvider!CUserTileProvider::_ValidateStream

Critical section   = 0x0f26059c (+0xF26059C)
DebugInfo          = 0x0eb35358
LockSemaphore      = 0x0
SpinCount          = 0x020007d0

Stack trace for DebugInfo = 0x0eb35358:

0x711d8b53: verifier!AVrfpInitializeCriticalSectionCommon+0xF4
0x711d8cc1: verifier!AVrfpRtlInitializeCriticalSection+0x11
0x65277b05: RtkAPO+0x87B05
0x65278255: RtkAPO+0x88255
0x6527b5d6: RtkAPO+0x8B5D6
0x652738a7: RtkAPO+0x838A7
0x75c2e8e0: combase!CServerContextActivator::CreateInstance+0x1A0
0x75bd8f1a: combase!ActivationPropertiesIn::DelegateCreateInstance+0xBA
0x75c2edc2: combase!CApartmentActivator::CreateInstance+0xA2
0x75c2f105: combase!CProcessActivator::CCICallback+0x65
0x75c2f080: combase!CProcessActivator::AttemptActivation+0x40
0x75c2f37b: combase!CProcessActivator::ActivateByContext+0xDB
0x75c2f1f7: combase!CProcessActivator::CreateInstance+0x67
0x75bd8efb: combase!ActivationPropertiesIn::DelegateCreateInstance+0x9B
0x75bd714d: combase!CClientContextActivator::CreateInstance+0xFD
0x75bd8f02: combase!ActivationPropertiesIn::DelegateCreateInstance+0xA2
0x75c27240: combase!ICoCreateInstanceEx+0xBE0
0x75c26509: combase!CComActivator::DoCreateInstance+0x149
0x75c28332: combase!CoCreateInstance+0x132
0x100078da: ALSNDMGR!CPlApplet+0x32BA

    Image path: C:\Windows\System32\RtkAPO.dll
    Image name: RtkAPO.dll
    Timestamp:        Mon Dec 22 08:50:19 2008 (494F46BB)
    CheckSum:         0026D77A
    ImageSize:        0026C000
    File version:     11.0.6000.85
    Product version:  11.0.6000.85
    File flags:       8 (Mask 3F) Private
    File OS:          40004 NT Win32
    File type:        2.0 Dll
    File date:        00000000.00000000
    Translations:     0409.04b0
    CompanyName:      Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
    ProductName:      Realtek(r) LFX/GFX DSP component
    InternalName:     RTKAPODll
    OriginalFilename: RTKAPO.Dll
    ProductVersion:   11, 0, 6000, 85
    FileVersion:      11, 0, 6000, 85
    FileDescription:  Realtek(r) LFX/GFX DSP component
    LegalCopyright:   Copyright (c) Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 2008

Portanto, instale uma versão mais recente do driver realtek para corrigir o problema.

por 08.10.2015 / 06:25