Good eBook
md c:\win8
md c:\updates
md c:\mountw8
copy <wherever it is>\install.wim c:\win8
<Internet Explorer>
<agree to plug in>
(Make sure you get the one for the correct OS and x86 or x64)
Type in the KB####### one at a time and add them to cart
When prompted for a folder browse to c:\updates
<Start Reading Book>
<Wait for download>
<Keep waiting>
dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:c:\win8\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:c:\mountw8
<Resume Reading Book>
for /R "C:\Updates\" %i in (*.msu) do dism /image:c:\mountw8 /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%i"
<Wait some more>
<Keep waiting>
As long as we have the image mount lets inject some drives
(Modify the path to your needs)
(Make sure the drivers are extracted so the *.inf files are visible)
DISM.exe /Image:C:\mountw8 /Add-Driver /Driver:d:\Drivers\ /Recurse
<Resume Reading Book>
(Finalize the image)
dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:c:\mountw8 /commit
Make a bootable media disc replacing the old install.wim with this one.