Remove tudo antes do caractere de dois-pontos (regex) na palavra ms


Eu preciso de um regex para remover tudo antes do caractere:. Um exemplo seria:

UNIDENTIFIED MALE #1: Thank you. Roll camera. Do you have numbers moving out at the sound?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE #1: We need numbers moving on that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE #2: No, it's not a smart...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE #3: Copy that. Stand by. Mark it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE #2: Tatyana, take one. Mark.


Thank you. Roll camera. Do you have numbers moving out at the sound?


We need numbers moving on that.

No, it's not a smart...

Copy that. Stand by. Mark it.

Tatyana, take one. Mark.

Algo que eu quero realmente ruim

Eu tentei variações de : e < : e < *: > e ^. + [:] sem sucesso. Como eu iria fazer isso?

por Julie S. 26.07.2015 / 18:15

1 resposta


O RegEX do Word é bem estranho. :) Experimente estas configurações:

  • Localizar: *: (*^13)
  • Substituir:

Isso corresponderá a cada linha ( ^13 = marcador de retorno de carro) e substituirá pela peça correspondente / encontrada entre colchetes (após o :<space> ).

Aqui está uma lista de caracteres especiais do RegEx do Word:

   Characters    String Matches

       ^1         Picture (Except pictures with Float Over Text
       ^2         Auto-referenced footnotes
       ^5         Annotation mark
       ^9         Tab
       ^11        New line
       ^12        Page OR section break
       ^13        Carriage return
       ^14        Column break
       ^19        Opening field brace
                      (when the field braces are visible)
       ^21        Closing field brace
                      (when the field braces are visible)
       ?          Question Mark
       ^?         Any single character
                      (not valid in the Replace box)
       ^-         Optional hyphen
       ^~         Non-breaking hyphen
       ^^         Caret character
       ^#         Any digit
       ^$         Any letter
       ^&         Contents of Find What box
                  (Replace box only)
       ^+         Em Dash (not valid in the Replace box)
       ^=         En Dash (not valid in the Replace box)
       ^u8195     Em Space Unicode character value search
                     (not valid in the Replace box)
       ^u8194     En Space Unicode character value search
                     (not valid in the Replace box)
       ^a         Comment
                     (not valid in the Replace box)
       ^b         Section Break (not valid in the Replace box)
       ^c         Replace with Clipboard contents (Replace box only)
       ^d         Field
       ^e         Endnote Mark (not valid in the Replace box)
       ^f         Footnote Mark (not valid in the Replace box)
       ^g         Graphic (Does not find graphics with the Float
                     Over Text property)
       ^l         New line
       ^m         Manual Page Break             
       ^n         Column break
       ^t         Tab
       ^p         Paragraph mark
       ^s         Non-breaking space
       ^w         White space (space, non-breaking space, tab; not valid
                  in the Replace box)
       ^nnn       Where "n" is an ASCII character number
       ^0nnn      Same as above, but uses ANSI characters (ALT+nnn PC only)
                  (Produces ASCII on Macintosh)
       ^unnnn     Word 97 Unicode character search where "n" is a decimal
                  number corresponding to the Unicode character value.


por 26.07.2015 / 18:30