OpenVZ falha na criação do contêiner (Não é possível obter o nome do tarball do appcache)


Eu tenho o OpenVZ instalado no CentOS 7.1.

depois de executar

vzctl create 101 --ostemplate debian-7.0-x86-minimal

eu obtenho

command /usr/sbin/vzpkg exited with error 8
Unable to get appcache tarball name for ve-basic.conf-sample with ostemplate debian-7.0-x86-minimal
Destroying Container private area: /vz/private/101
Warning: Container is in old data format, unregistration skipped
Container private area was destroyed
Creation of Container private area failed

Eu tenho template e conf básico:

[root@localhost vz]# ls /vz/template/cache/
[root@localhost vz]# 

[root@localhost vz]# ls /etc/vz/conf/
networks_classes      ve-cent.conf-sample     ve-vswap.1024MB.conf-sample  ve-vswap.256MB.conf-sample  ve-vswap.plesk.conf-sample
ve-basic.conf-sample  ve-confixx.conf-sample  ve-vswap.2048MB.conf-sample  ve-vswap.512MB.conf-sample  vps.vzpkgtools.conf-sample
[root@localhost vz]#

Servidor: HP ProLiant DL380 G5

Qualquer ajuda seria interessante, porque estive pesquisando o dia todo, sem sorte: (

por Eimantas Gabrielius 06.07.2015 / 20:34

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