Eu preciso encontrar todos os arquivos de atalho para se livrar dos arquivos ruins.
Dê uma olhada no analisador de lnk
LNK Parser allows you to view the content of Windows shortcut (.LNK) files.
Command-line Usage
You can run the program from a command-line and supply a shortcut file or a directory.
If a directory is supplied, the directory and any sub-directories will be scanned for shortcut files.
Example 1:
lnk_parser_cmd.exe shortcut.lnk
Example 2:
lnk_parser_cmd.exe C:\Users\User\Desktop
There are additional options that can be specified to allow you to generate various reports of the shortcut file information.
The following is a list of supported options:
- -o Sets the output directory for reports.
- -w Generates an HTML report.
- -c Generates a comma-separated values (CSV) report.
- -r Remnant and unprocessed data will be dumped to the HTML report.
- -s Prevents the console from outputting information.
lnk_parser_cmd.exe -o Output -w -c -r -s shortcut.lnk
If you wish to save the command-line output to a file, you can use the redirect operator.
lnk_parser_cmd.exe shortcut.lnk > output.txt
You can speed up the extraction and report generation by redirecting the command-line output to the NUL device, or by using the -s option mentioned above.
Example 1:
lnk_parser_cmd.exe shortcut.lnk > NUL
Example 2:
lnk_parser_cmd.exe -s shortcut.lnk
The program can also be run normally (not through the command-line). It will ask for the shortcut file or directory, and whether you wish to include a report(s).
When specifying a file or directory path, it's best to surround it with quotes since spaces within the path might be interpreted as separate options.
A licença de código é GNU GPL v3.
Aviso de isenção
Eu não sou afiliado ao lnk-parser de nenhuma maneira.