Como exportar dados completos do excel como um csv usando macro?


Eu quero exportar um arquivo excel como um csv usando macro, mas meu código está exportando apenas o cabeçalho apenas. Como exportar os dados completos?

Aqui está o meu código:

 Sub CSVFile()

 Dim My_filenumber As Integer
 Dim logSTR As String

 My_filenumber = FreeFile

 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "A").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "B").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "C").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "D").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "E").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "F").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "G").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "H").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "I").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "J").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "K").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "L").Value & " , "
 logSTR = logSTR & Cells(1, "M").Value

 Open "C:\Users\folder\Sample.csv" For Append As #My_filenumber
  Print #My_filenumber, logSTR
 Close #My_filenumber

 End Sub
por user389737 14.11.2014 / 07:00

1 resposta


Experimente esta macro:

Sub Export()
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFileName As String

MyFileName = "MR_Update_" & Sheets("Monthly Review").Range("D3").Value & "_" & Format(Date, "ddmmyyyy")

If Not Right(MyFileName, 4) = ".csv" Then MyFileName = MyFileName & ".csv"

Sheets("Export Data").Copy

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    .Title = "Select a Folder"
    .AllowMultiSelect = False
    .InitialFileName = "" '<~~ The start folder path for the file picker.
    If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
    MyPath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
End With


With ActiveWorkbook
    .SaveAs Filename:=MyPath & MyFileName, FileFormat:=xlCSV,CreateBackup:=False
    .Close False
End With
End Sub


por 14.11.2014 / 11:18