APC Smart-UPS 1000VA - o arquivo de comando não será executado


Eu tenho este artigo antigo - link , funcionando de forma confiável até agora, mas tem um grande problema: arquivo de comando quando a energia é não vai correr.

Tudo parece estar configurado corretamente, mas quando a energia é desligada, nenhuma notificação por email é enviada nem meu arquivo "test.bat" é executado.

isto é do manual:

Using and Troubleshooting Command Files 
Follow these steps to use and test command files. 

Create the .cmd or .bat file and insert it into the cmdfiles folder of PowerChute Business Edition.

Click Where are these files located? to find the location of that folder. (The default folder is “cmdfiles”). See Configure Shutdown Sequence above.

Only command files that are located in the PowerChute command-file folder can be chosen and executed.
In the command file, if you are running an executable file (.exe), use @START, e.g., @START "" "C:\testdir\ myfile.exe"

If you have several lines in your command file, it is possible that some might not execute properly. Try using a single-line command file to call a multiple-line command file if this happens.
If a test fails:
Go to Windows Services and right-click on the Agent service, PBE Agent, and choose Properties.
Click on the Log On tab.Enable the desktop interaction.

If the command file is executing commands to another computer, the local system account here does not have the proper rights. In this case, you should log on as another account that does have rights; specify the account and password in this dialog.

Note: The log on account should have a password that does not expire. This is because passwords here will not automatically update when they are changed elsewhere.

Stop the Agent service and restart it. Retest the command file through PowerChute.
If the command file is still not running, try a simple command file for a test, as shown below. 

Create a folder on the C drive for this test and call it apctest. When you execute it, the single line below in a command file should create a file in apctest named cmdtest.txt. That file should have recorded the time of the test. 
time /T >> C:\apctest\cmdtest.txt

Eu fiz todas as coisas mencionadas, mas ainda assim, meu arquivo test.bat registrado corretamente não será executado. Alguém tem experiência semelhante?

Eu também tentei executar o arquivo no diálogo de configuração do console powerchute via botão de teste. Mesmo assim, não está funcionando.

por skroslak 13.08.2014 / 14:19

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