Instale o OpenSSH no Drobo 5N


O site DroboPorts diz que é possível instalar aplicativos no Drobo 5N, mas eu entendo que o Drobo 5N suporta apenas Copy e Plex agora e não pode instalar outros aplicativos.

Alguém poderia, por favor, informar como posso instalar o SSH em um Drobo 5N? Não é possível encontrar instruções relevantes em qualquer lugar.

por Ana 17.09.2013 / 22:40

2 respostas


Connect to your Drobo

You can quickly connect to your Drobo:

  1. Look up the IP address of your Drobo device using Drobo Dashboard You can find the Network Information under the Status section of the dashboard for your device.
  2. open PuTTY
  3. enter the connection details root@<ip-address>
  4. when prompted use the password "root" to authenticate

You should now be logged-in and the PuTTY window should look like this:

enter image description here

Change the default password

It's good practice to change publicly known default passwords as soon as possible. Sure, it's unlikely that anyone will connect to your network, stumble across your Drobo, connect, and do Evil Things™ but why take the risk.

It's also a good way to give an example of using the SSH session.

Simply type passwd, press Enter and follow the prompts. You won't see any output when you're typing your new password; you don't know how many spycams have been installed while you were at work during the day.

Saving an SSH session

If you have configured your home router to assign a fixed IP address to your Drobo you might want to save the session in PuTTY so that you don't need to type the username and destination every time you want to reconnect.

Open the menu by clicking on the icon in the top left of the PuTTY window, and choose New Session.

  1. enter the connection details as before ( root@<ip-address>)
  2. In the text input field for Saved Sessions enter a name to call the session ('MyDrobo')
  3. click 'Save'

Por favor, consulte este guia para mais informações - link

por 20.02.2016 / 11:01

De acordo com este site , deve ser possível e tem algumas instruções baseadas no < href=""> código-fonte OpenSSH específico para Drobo fornecido por DroboPorts :

Install OpenSHH. This will allow you to log remotely into the Drobo unit. A few things to note:

  1. You will need to copy the openssh.tgz to the DroboApps share and then reboot, at which point OpenSHH will get installed and will start.
  2. Any users defined will by default have access via SSH to the Drobo
  3. Root has access with the default password root (please please please change this ASAP!)
  4. The defined administrator user’s username is Admin, not admin.
por 17.09.2013 / 23:05
