Do whitepaper canônico "O que há de novo no Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS"
Dual lifecycle support policy for OpenStack in Ubuntu Cloud
- Stay with the shipped version of OpenStack (Essex) and remain with it for the full life of the LTS.
As per the Ubuntu LTS policy, we commit to maintaining and supporting the Essex release for five years. The interim releases will also ship the Essex version of OpenStack, along with any bug fixes or security updates made available since its release.
- Get access to the latest OpenStack releases via Canonical's Ubuntu Cloud archive.
Alternatively, you can elect to enable this archive, and install newer releases of OpenStack (and its dependencies) as they become available, until the next Ubuntu LTS release (in April 2014). This is ideal for users who want to keep up with the latest innovations from Canonical and the OpenStack community.
Então, se você usar o Ubuntu Cloud Archive, sim, o Folsom e outras versões do OpenStack estarão disponíveis para o LTS.
Mais informações sobre o Ubuntu Cloud Archive podem ser encontradas aqui: link
e de acordo com esta página, o arquivo não está funcionando ainda, mas está quase completo. link