Como posso configurar o apache 2 em ~ / public_html no OpenSUSE 12.1


Eu tenho o OpenSUSE 12.1 instalado. Eu tentei muito para conseguir o lampp no sistema funcionando.

eu configuro por YAST - (com as instalações-sheme) como fazê-lo funcionar. Como configurar o apache?

Como posso configurar o apache2 em ~/public_html ?

btw: eu tenho esse arquivo encontrado:

# UserDir: The name of the directory that is appended onto a user's home
# directory if a ~user request is received.

<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
    # Note that the name of the user directory ("public_html") cannot easily be
    # changed here, since it is a compile time setting. The apache package
    # would have to be rebuilt. You could work around by deleting
    # /usr/sbin/suexec, but then all scripts from the directories would be
    # executed with the UID of the webserver.
    # To rebuild apache with another setting you need to change the 
    # %userdir define in the spec file. 

    # not every user's directory should be visible:
    UserDir disabled root

    # to enable UserDir only for a certain set of users, use this instead:
    #UserDir disabled
    #UserDir enabled user1 user2

    # the UserDir directive is actually used inside the virtual hosts, to 
    # have more control
    #UserDir public_html

    <Directory /home/*/public_html>

        AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes
        Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec

            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

            Order deny,allow
            Deny from all


por zero 27.02.2012 / 11:00

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