Redefinir configurações do Microsoft Word


Como faço para redefinir o Word para as configurações de fábrica (opções de caixas de diálogo, auto-correção, recuo, etc) sem editar o registro como este site sugere? Eu posso editar no registro, mas prefiro não.

Não consigo encontrar nada até agora no Word para fazer isso. Estou usando o Office 2007 no Windows XP Pro 64.


por Chris 15.07.2010 / 20:07

1 resposta


É assim que a Microsoft diz também. Mas se você descer até "Reparar Word (Office)", existem outros métodos.

Repair Word (Office) Word can detect and repair problems associated with Setup. This feature uses the Windows Installer to correct problems with missing files and to repair registry settings.

You can use the following three methods to repair or to reset Word files and values:•Method 1: Use the "Detect and Repair" feature •Method 2: Repair Word in Maintenance Mode Setup •Method 3: Reinstall Word (Office)

Method 1: Use the "Detect and Repair" or "Microsoft Office Diagnostics" feature Note This method is the least aggressive mode of repair. If this method does not resolve the problem, you may still have to use one of the other methods.

To run the Detect and Repair feature in Word 2003 and in earlier versions of Word, click Detect and Repair on the Help menu in Word. The Detect and Repair feature fixes and repairs Word. All files, registry entries, and optional shortcuts for all Office programs are verified and repaired. If you run Detect and Repair from Word, all other Office programs are also checked. This feature performs only a checksum.

The Detect and Repair feature can also restore the Word program shortcuts on the Start menu. To restore the Word program shortcuts, click Help, click Detect and Repair, and then click to select the Restore my shortcuts while repairing check box.

If Detect and Repair does not correct the problem, you may have to reinstall Word. The Reinstall feature in the Maintenance Mode dialog box performs the same action as Detect and Repair, except that Reinstall copies a file when the files are of equal versions. Detect and Repair does not copy over the file when the installation file has the correct version and checksum.

Note The Detect and Repair feature does not repair damaged documents or damaged data keys in the registry or in the Normal template.

If a file that Word uses at Startup is missing, the Windows Installer automatically installs that file before it starts the program.

In Word 2007, run the Microsoft Office Diagnostics feature. To do this, click the Microsoft Office Button, click Word Options, click Resources, and then click Diagnose.

In Word 2010, repair Word or the installed Office suite in Control Panel.

Method 2: Repair Word in Maintenance Mode setup Note This method is a moderate mode of repair. If this method does not resolve the problem, you may still have to reinstall Word.

The Maintenance Mode Setup process is similar to the process found in earlier versions of Word. The Maintenance Mode Setup process allows you to repair, add or remove features, and remove the program. "Repair" is a feature in Maintenance Mode that finds and then fixes errors in an installation.

To perform a Maintenance Mode repair, follow these steps:1.Quit all Office programs. 2.Use one of the following procedures:◦In Windows 7 or Windows Vista, click Start, and then type add remove. ◦In Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, click Start, and then click Control Panel.

◦In Windows 2000, click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

3.Open Add or Remove Programs. 4.Click Change or Remove Programs, click Microsoft Office (Microsoft Office Word), or the version of Office or Word that you have in the Currently installed programs list, and then click Change. 5.Click Repair or Repair Word (Repair Office), and then click Continue or Next. 6.In Word 2003 and in earlier versions of Word, click Detect and Repair errors in my Word installation or click Detect and Repair errors in my Office installation. Then, click to select the Restore my Start Menu Shortcuts check box, and then click Install.

Method 3: Reinstall Word (Office) Note This method is the most aggressive mode of repair. This mode resets Word to its default settings, except for settings that are stored in your global template ( or Normal.dotm). To do this in Word 2003 and in earlier versions of Word, follow these steps:1.Quit all Office programs. 2.Use one of the following procedures:◦In Windows 7 or Windows Vista, click Start, and then type add remove. ◦In Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, click Start, and then click Control Panel. ◦In Windows 2000, click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

3.Open Add or Remove Programs. 4.Click Change or Remove Programs, click Microsoft Office 2003 (Microsoft Office Word 2003), or the version of Office or Word that you have in the Currently installed programs list, and then click Change. 5.Click Repair Word (Repair Office), and then click Next. 6.Click Reinstall Word (Reinstall Office), and then click Install.

por 15.07.2010 / 22:43