man 8 tune2fs
na verdade responde às suas perguntas:
-c max-mount-counts
Adjust the number of mounts after which the filesystem will be checked by e2fsck(8). If max-mount-counts is 0 or -1, the number of times the filesystem is mounted will be disregarded by e2fsck(8) and the kernel.
Staggering the mount-counts at which filesystems are forcibly checked will avoid all filesystems being checked at one time when using journaled filesystems.
You should strongly consider the consequences of disabling mount-count-dependent checking entirely. Bad disk drives, cables, memory, and kernel bugs could all corrupt a filesystem without marking the filesystem dirty or in error. If you are using journaling on your filesystem, your filesystem will never be marked dirty, so it will not normally be checked. A filesystem error detected by the kernel will still force an fsck on the next reboot, but it may already be too late to prevent data loss at that point.
See also the -i option for time-dependent checking.
-i interval-between-checks[d|m|w]
Adjust the maximal time between two filesystem checks. No suffix or d will interpret the number interval-between-checks as days, m as months, and w as weeks. A value of zero will disable the time-dependent checking.
It is strongly recommended that either -c (mount-count-dependent) or -i (time-dependent) checking be enabled to force periodic full e2fsck(8) checking of the filesystem. Failure to do so may lead to filesystem corruption (due to bad disks, cables, memory, or kernel bugs) going unnoticed, ultimately resulting in data loss or corruption.
Quanto a encontrar a frequência de verificações (após os limites max-mount-counts ou intervalo entre verificações ) definidas em seu próprio ext2 / ext3 / ext4 sistema de arquivos, você pode executar este comando:
sudo dumpe2fs /dev/YOURDEV | grep -Ei '(mount count|interval|check)'
Substitua /dev/YOURDEV
pela partição que você deseja examinar.
Exemplo de saída:
deltik@node51 [~]$ sudo dumpe2fs /dev/nvme0n1p3 | grep -Ei '(mount count|interval|check)'
dumpe2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Mount count: 1
Maximum mount count: -1
Last checked: Tue Mar 15 13:30:00 2018
Check interval: 0 (<none>)