Você pode encerrar truncamentos - como em "truncar somente até aqui" - com %>>
ou %<<
PROMPT="[%n%20>...>%m%>> %1~]%(#.#.$) "
Aqui está a parte relevante do manual do ZSH :
The part of the prompt string to be truncated runs to the end of the string, or to the end of the next enclosing group of the
construct, or to the next truncation encountered at the same grouping level (i.e. truncations inside a'%('
are separate), which ever comes first. In particular, a truncation with argument zero (e.g.,'%<<'
) marks the end of the range of the string to be truncated while turning off truncation from there on. For example, the prompt'%10<...<%~%<<%# '
will print a truncated representation of the current directory, followed by a'%'
, followed by a space. Without the'%<<'
, those two characters would be included in the string to be truncated.