Como parar o servidor Spring Source TC no meu sistema Windows 7


Hoje, no sistema Windows 7, quando eu encontrei o localhost: 8080 no meu navegador, vi o SpringSource tc Server rodando, inesperadamente. Aqui está a mensagem que encontrei.

As you may have guessed by now, this is the default SpringSource tc Server home page. It can be found on the local filesystem at:


where "$TC_SERVER_HOME" is the root of the tc Server installation directory for Tomcat. If you're seeing this page, and you don't think you should be, then you're either a user who has arrived at a new installation of tc Server, or you're an administrator who hasn't got his/her setup quite right. Providing the latter is the case, please refer to the tc Server Documentation for detailed setup and administration information.

Eu tentei fazer o echo $ TC_SERVER_HOME / webapps / ROOT / para saber a pasta de instalação. Para que eu pudesse parar o script em lote naquele local.

É só imprimir $ TC_SERVER_HOME / webapps / ROOT /

Este servidor é quase semelhante ao Tomcat.Problem é como pará-lo? Como encontrar seu diretório de instalação e desligá-lo? Eu presumo que haveria algum arquivo em lote e eu teria que desligar isso?

Estou no sistema Windows 7.

por John Doe 08.06.2015 / 13:44

1 resposta


Como faço para parar o servidor Spring Source TC?

Como a mensagem citada em suas perguntas indica ", consulte a Documentação do tc Server para obter informações detalhadas sobre configuração e administração."

Se você já instalou a instância tc Runtime como um Serviço do Windows, use o painel de controle dos Serviços do Windows para iniciá-lo e interrompê-lo.

Windows: Iniciando e parando instâncias de tempo de execução tc como serviços do Windows

By default, the tcruntime-instance.bat script creates all tc Runtime instances under the INSTALL_DIR\springsource-tc-server-edition directory, where INSTALL_DIR refers to the directory in which you installed tc Server, such as c:\home\tcserver and edition is developer or standard. Each particular tc Runtime instance lives in its own directory; this directory translates into the server's CATALINA_BASE variable. This is the default behavior of the command script; you might have specified a different location of your tc Runtime instance. If so, adjust the following procedure accordingly.

In the following procedure, it is assumed that you installed a tc Server Standard Edition.

To start and stop tc Runtime instances as Windows Services:

  1. If this is the first time that you will install and start the tc Runtime instance after creating it, start a command prompt window and continue with this procedure.

    If you have already installed the tc Runtime instance as a Windows Service, use the Windows Services control panel to start and stop it.

    • Change to the CATALINA_BASE\bin directory of the tc Runtime instance you want to start or stop.

    • For example, if you installed tc Server in c:\home\tcserver and created a new tc Runtime instance called myserver:

      prompt> cd c:\home\tcserver\springsource-tc-server-standard\myserver\bin

    • If you are using the Developer Edition of tc Server, the CATALINA_BASE directory will include the springsource-tc-server-developer directory.

  2. Install the tc Runtime instance as a Windows service:

    prompt> tcruntime-ctl.bat install

    The command installs the tc Runtime instance as an automatic Windows Service, which means that the tc Runtime instance starts automatically when you start the Windows computer. You can change this behavior using the Windows Service control panel.

    You should see a message indicating a successful installation:

    wrapper | SpringSource tc Runtime - tcserver-c-home-tcserver-springsource-tc-server-standard-myserver installed.

  3. Now, and subsequently, start and stop the tc Runtime instance by using the Windows Services console. The tc Runtime instance is displayed in the console with the name SpringSource tc Runtime - unique-name, where unique-name is a unique combination of server name and server directory.

To uninstall the tc Runtime service, execute the following command:

prompt> tcruntime-ctl.bat uninstall

Although SpringSource recommends that you always install the tc Runtime instance as a Windows service and stop and start it using the Services console, you can also stop and start the tc Runtime instance manually. See tcruntime-ctl Command Reference for the full list of commands of the tcruntime-ctl script.

Fonte 7.2 Iniciar e parar Instâncias de Tempo de Execução tc

por 08.06.2015 / 14:11