Solução Powershell, pode reportar e \ ou restaurar arquivos corrompidos:
# Use full paths!
$Backup = '\server\backup'
$Corrupted = 'c:\broken_folder'
# Path for log file, can be relative
$LogFile = '.\Restore.log'
# If this variable is set to true, no files will be copied
$ReportOnly = $true
# Remove log file, if exist
if(Test-Path -Path $LogFile -PathType Leaf)
Remove-Item -Path $LogFile -Force
# Get all files in directory, recursive
$Corrupted | Get-ChildItem -Recurse |
# Select files with archive attribute: $_.Mode -like '*a*'
# And size less or equal to 1KB: ($_.Length / 1KB) -le 1 . Less fancy way: $_.Length -le 1024
# Ignore folders: -not $_.PsIsContainer
# In PS 3.0 and higher Get-ChildItem has less cryptic way to get folders and specify attributes:
Where-Object {($_.Mode -like '*a*') -and (($_.Length / 1KB) -le 1) -and (-not $_.PsIsContainer)} |
ForEach-Object {
# Output log record to pipeline, Tee-Object will catch it later
"Found corrupted file: $($_.FullName)"
# Replace current file path with path fo this file in backup folder
$NewFile = $_.FullName -replace [regex]::Escape($Corrupted), $Backup
if(Test-Path -Path $NewFile -PathType Leaf)
# Output log record to pipeline, Tee-Object will catch it later
"Found corresponding file from backup: $NewFile"
# Output log record to pipeline, Tee-Object will catch it later
"Failed to find corresponding file from backup: $NewFile"
if(-not $ReportOnly)
# Output log record to pipeline, Tee-Object will catch it later
"Restoring file from backup: $NewFile -> $($_.FullName)"
# Remove corrupted file
Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName -Force
# Copy file from backup
Copy-Item -Path $NewFile -Destination $_.FullName -Force
} | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogFile -Append # Send log to screen and file