Código VBA De-bugging em 2010 excel


Procurando por alguma ajuda na depuração de algum código VBA / Macro antigo para funcionar na versão mais recente do MS Excel 2010. A macro em questão é a função "Material Rollup".

A finalidade da macro é depois de selecionar um intervalo contíguo de células em uma determinada coluna. Em seguida, a macro copiará as informações correspondentes ao intervalo de informações (B?: H?). Para uma nova planilha ou planilha existente, classifique as informações de acordo com os valores na coluna "Part #" (D).

Até este ponto, a macro funciona como pretendido. Mas erros e quando ele tenta combinar itens com "parte #" semelhante e excluir as entradas duplicadas. Qualquer ajuda ou assistência que você possa enviar para mim será muito apreciada.

Acredita-se que os erros / bug iniciam na seguinte linha: "Agrupamento, como números de peça, Combinar quantidades e Excluir linhas".

Abaixo está o código do VBA que se tornou a ruína da minha existência.

'**************************  Material Rollup by Part Number  *****************************
Function Material_Rollup()

    MyfirstValue = 0
    MyLastValue = 0
    Cnt = 0
    TopRow = 0
    BottomRow = 0
    CntDelRows = 0
    NewLastRow = 0
    Quantity = 0
    loopCnt = 0
    Dim MyBom As String
    Dim MyRollup As String
    Dim NextRow As String

    MyBom = ActiveSheet.Name

    If Val(Range("A2")) > 0 Or Val(Range("I1")) > 0 Then
        MsgBox MyBom & " is not a BOM72 Work sheet or Material Rollup Sheet, Rollup Canceled."
        Call GotoSheet
        GoTo Cancel
    End If

    ReturnRows (Selection.Address)
    MyfirstValue = My_First_Row
    MyLastValue = My_Last_Row

    If MyfirstValue = MyLastValue Then
        Call BOM72ERR(3, "")
        GoTo Cancel
    End If

     'Provide List of existing Sheets and input box for new Sheet Name
     ListSheets (2)

        If Pick_Sheet = "Pick_Sheet_Cancel" Then
            GoTo Cancel
           MyRollup = Pick_Sheet
         End If

     'See if Rollup sheet name exist or is new
    For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets

            If UCase(sh.Name) = UCase(MyRollup) Then
                DoesSheetExist = 1
                Exit For
                DoesSheetExist = 0
            End If
    'If Sheet exist make sure its a Material Rollup Sheet
    If DoesSheetExist = 1 Then
        If Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("E1").Value <= 0 Then
                MsgBox MyRollup & " is not a Material Rollup Sheet."
        GoTo RetrySheet
        End If
    End If

    'If sheet doesn't exist, build and format
    If DoesSheetExist = 0 Then

        ActiveSheet.Name = MyRollup
        ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
        With Application
            .Calculation = xlManual
            .MaxChange = 0.001
        End With
        ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False

        Worksheets("Data").Range("A4:W6").Copy (Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("A1"))

        ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True


        TopRow = 4
        Range("E1") = TopRow
    End If

    TopRow = (Range("E1") + 1)
    BottomRow = ((Val(MyLastValue) - Val(MyfirstValue)) + 1) + Range("E1").Value
    Cnt = TopRow

    Worksheets(MyBom).Range("B" + MyfirstValue + ":H" + MyLastValue).Copy (Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("B" & TopRow))

    'Delete Rows that are not Material Items (Look for Text in Mfg Column)
    For Each C In Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("C" & TopRow & ":C" & BottomRow)

           If C.Value = "" Then
               Rows((Cnt - CntDelRows)).Select
               Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
               CntDelRows = CntDelRows + 1

            End If

               Cnt = Cnt + 1
    Next C

    'Delete Rows with the Unit Price column colored Gray (Don't Rollup)
    NewLastRow = (Cnt - (CntDelRows + 1))
    Cnt = TopRow
    CntDelRows = 0
    For Each C2 In Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("G" & TopRow & ":G" & NewLastRow)

           If C2.Interior.ColorIndex = 40 Then
               Rows((Cnt - CntDelRows)).Select
               Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
               CntDelRows = CntDelRows + 1

            End If

                Cnt = Cnt + 1

    Next C2

    NewLastRow = (Cnt - (CntDelRows + 1))

    'Sort Rollup by Part Number
    Range("A" & TopRow & ":S" & NewLastRow).Select
    Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("D" & TopRow), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
        OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom

    Range("B" & TopRow).Select

     With Selection.Font
         .Name = "Arial"
         .FontStyle = "Regular"
            .Size = 10
     End With

    Cnt = TopRow
    cnt2 = (Cnt + 1)
    CntDelRows = 0
    loopCnt = 0

    'Rollup, Like Part Numbers, Combine Quantities and Delete Rows
    For Each c1 In Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("D" & TopRow + ":D" & NewLastRow)

            NextRow = Range("D" & cnt2)

           If UCase(c1.Value) = UCase(NextRow) Then
              Quantity = Range("E" & Cnt) + Range("E" & cnt2)
              Range("E" & cnt2) = Quantity
              Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
              CntDelRows = CntDelRows + 1
              Cnt = Cnt - 1
              cnt2 = cnt2 - 1
              Quantity = 0
           End If

             Cnt = (Cnt + 1)
             cnt2 = (cnt2 + 1)

    Next c1
        NewLastRow = NewLastRow - CntDelRows

        'Sort Rollup by Manufacturer then Part Number
        Range("A" & TopRow & ":S" & NewLastRow).Select
        Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("C" & TopRow), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range _
        ("D" & TopRow), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, _
        MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom

        Range("B" + TopRow).Select
        Worksheets("Data").Range("G8:W8").Copy Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("G" & TopRow & ":G" & NewLastRow)

        Selection.ColumnWidth = 6
        Selection.ColumnWidth = 3
        Selection.ColumnWidth = 20
        Selection.ColumnWidth = 12
        Selection.ColumnWidth = 6
        Selection.ColumnWidth = 3


        With Application
        .Calculation = xlAutomatic
        .MaxChange = 0.001
        End With
        ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False
        Range("E1") = NewLastRow
        Range("A" & TopRow) = "WorkSheet: " & MyBom & "    Rows: " & MyfirstValue & " to " & MyLastValue
        Range("A" & TopRow).Font.ColorIndex = 22
        If TopRow > 5 Then
            Range("B1") = "Multi-Rollup Sheet"
            Range("B1") = "Single-Rollup Sheet"
        End If
        Range("B" + TopRow).Select
        'Don't forget to value quantity column
End Function

Obrigado por qualquer ajuda que você possa oferecer.

por xenologic 05.05.2014 / 22:06

2 respostas


Esse '+' está errado.

Você concatena strings com & e adiciona números com + .

Finja TopRow = 1 e NewLastRow = 5:

Você está tentando ADICIONAR "D1" a ": D5" e, como não é possível executar adições matemáticas em sequências de caracteres, você obtém o erro de incompatibilidade de tipos ao tentar.

Além disso - problemas de valor de saída sem erros de sintaxe são problemas lógicos, para ajudar com isso, precisaremos de outras informações específicas. Então, essas são provavelmente mais bem tratadas como novas perguntas (com informações apropriadas dadas) para que possamos lidar com os problemas que você está enfrentando, um de cada vez, depois de ter feito sua parte na investigação deles. :)

por 05.05.2014 / 22:39
1. I noticed a mixture of &'s and +'s.
   1a. I fixed them.

2. I think you need to cast your integers to strings (TopRow, NewLastRow, others). 
   2a. I cast them for you.

I cut your code exactly.

I added some comments that you will see in green once you cut this and paste it.

I added casting to your integers in Range fields.

If your code is correct it will now work. If it still Err's then you have to look at some logic. Use some debugging to message yourself e.g. MsgBox "trying out code var:" & myvar

Function Material_Rollup()

MyfirstValue = 0
MyLastValue = 0
Cnt = 0
TopRow = 0
BottomRow = 0
CntDelRows = 0
NewLastRow = 0
Quantity = 0
loopCnt = 0
Dim MyBom As String
Dim MyRollup As String
Dim NextRow As String

MyBom = ActiveSheet.Name

If Val(Range("A2")) > 0 Or Val(Range("I1")) > 0 Then
    MsgBox MyBom & " is not a BOM72 Work sheet or Material Rollup Sheet, Rollup Canceled."
    Call GotoSheet
    GoTo Cancel
End If

ReturnRows (Selection.Address)
MyfirstValue = My_First_Row
MyLastValue = My_Last_Row

If MyfirstValue = MyLastValue Then
    Call BOM72ERR(3, "")
    GoTo Cancel
End If

If Pick_Sheet = "Pick_Sheet_Cancel" Then
        GoTo Cancel
       MyRollup = Pick_Sheet
     End If

 'See if Rollup sheet name exist or is new
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets

        If UCase(sh.Name) = UCase(MyRollup) Then
            DoesSheetExist = 1
            Exit For
            DoesSheetExist = 0
        End If
'If Sheet exist make sure its a Material Rollup Sheet
If DoesSheetExist = 1 Then
    If Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("E1").Value <= 0 Then
            MsgBox MyRollup & " is not a Material Rollup Sheet."
    GoTo RetrySheet
    End If
End If

'If sheet doesn't exist, build and format
If DoesSheetExist = 0 Then

    ActiveSheet.Name = MyRollup
    ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
    With Application
        .Calculation = xlManual
        .MaxChange = 0.001
    End With
    ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False

    Worksheets("Data").Range("A4:W6").Copy (Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("A1"))

    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True


    TopRow = 4

    'Does Range("E1") return an address or integer?
    Dim myMessage = "Range("E1") return an address or integer? TopRow = "     

    Range("E1") = TopRow

    MsgBox myMessage & TopRow

End If


'TopRow = Address + 1? Does Range("E1") return an integer?

TopRow = (Range("E1") + 1)

MsgBox myMessage & TopRow

'Is Val(MyFirstValue), Val necessary, or help, or hinder?

BottomRow = ((Val(MyLastValue) - Val(MyfirstValue)) + 1) + Range("E1").Value
Cnt = TopRow

Worksheets(MyBom).Range("B" + CStr(MyfirstValue) & ":H" & CStr(MyLastValue)).Copy (Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("B" & CStr(TopRow)))

'Delete Rows that are not Material Items (Look for Text in Mfg Column)
For Each C In Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("C" & CStr(TopRow) & ":C" & CStr(BottomRow))

       If C.Value = "" Then
           'Added Cast to summation
           Rows(CStr((Cnt - CntDelRows))).Select
           Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
           CntDelRows = CntDelRows + 1

        End If

           Cnt = Cnt + 1
Next C

'Delete Rows with the Unit Price column colored Gray (Don't Rollup)
NewLastRow = (Cnt - (CntDelRows + 1))
Cnt = TopRow
CntDelRows = 0

For Each C2 In Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("G" & CStr(TopRow) & ":G" & CStr(NewLastRow))

       If C2.Interior.ColorIndex = 40 Then
           Rows((Cnt - CntDelRows)).Select
           Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
           CntDelRows = CntDelRows + 1

        End If

            Cnt = Cnt + 1

Next C2

NewLastRow = (Cnt - (CntDelRows + 1))

'Sort Rollup by Part Number
Range("A" & CStr(TopRow) & ":S" & CStr(NewLastRow)).Select
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("D" & TopRow), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
    OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom

Range("B" & TopRow).Select

 With Selection.Font
     .Name = "Arial"
     .FontStyle = "Regular"
        .Size = 10
 End With

Cnt = TopRow
cnt2 = (Cnt + 1)
CntDelRows = 0
loopCnt = 0

'Rollup, Like Part Numbers, Combine Quantities and Delete Rows
For Each c1 In Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("D" & CStr(TopRow) + ":D" & CStr(NewLastRow))

        NextRow = Range("D" & cnt2)

       If UCase(c1.Value) = UCase(NextRow) Then
          Quantity = Range("E" & CStr(Cnt)) & Range("E" & CStr(cnt2))
          Range("E" & CStr(cnt2)) = Quantity

          '?Cast here? CStr(Cnt)?

          Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
          CntDelRows = CntDelRows + 1
          Cnt = Cnt - 1
          cnt2 = cnt2 - 1
          Quantity = 0
       End If

         Cnt = (Cnt + 1)
         cnt2 = (cnt2 + 1)

Next c1
    NewLastRow = NewLastRow - CntDelRows

    'Sort Rollup by Manufacturer then Part Number
    Range("A" & CStr(TopRow) & ":S" & CStr(NewLastRow)).Select
    Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("C" & CStr(TopRow)), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range _
    ("D" & CStr(TopRow)), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, _
    MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom

    Range("B" + CStr(TopRow)).Select
    Worksheets("Data").Range("G8:W8").Copy Worksheets(MyRollup).Range("G" & CStr(TopRow) & ":G" & CStr(NewLastRow))

    Selection.ColumnWidth = 6
    Selection.ColumnWidth = 3
    Selection.ColumnWidth = 20
    Selection.ColumnWidth = 12
    Selection.ColumnWidth = 6
    Selection.ColumnWidth = 3


    With Application
    .Calculation = xlAutomatic
    .MaxChange = 0.001
    End With
    ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False

    Range("E1") = NewLastRow          '? CStr(NewLastRow) ? Might need here!
    Range("A" & TopRow) = "WorkSheet: " & MyBom & "    Rows: " & CStr(MyfirstValue) & " to " & CStr(MyLastValue)
    Range("A" & CStr(TopRow)).Font.ColorIndex = 22
    If TopRow > 5 Then
        Range("B1") = "Multi-Rollup Sheet"
        Range("B1") = "Single-Rollup Sheet"
    End If
    Range("B" + CStr(TopRow)).Select
    'Don't forget to value quantity column
End Function
por 02.07.2016 / 15:10