Vírus de e-mail que envia para si mesmo?


Alguém já ouviu falar de um vírus de email que faz algo assim:

From: [Actual Friend's Name] (mailto: [Different, Unknown Email)
To: [My Name]
Subject: [My Name]

Hello [My Name]
    bad link

Um parente meu me disse que recebeu e-mails de mim, mas ao inspecionar, o texto acima foi o que eu vi. Eu nunca vi isso antes? Parece que talvez outro relato dele possa estar comprometido e é assim que ele sabe os nomes, mas não os endereços?

por Justin Pihony 01.04.2013 / 18:39

1 resposta


Sim, ele é chamado de falsificação de e-mails

The technique is now used ubiquitously by bulk email software as a means of concealing the origin of the propagation. On infection, worms such as ILOVEYOU, Klez and Sober will often try to perform searches for email addresses within the address book of a mail client, and use those addresses in the From field of emails that they send, so that these emails appear to have been sent by the third party. For example:

Alice is sent an infected email and then the email is opened, triggering propagation. The worm finds the addresses of Bob and Charlie within Alice's address book. From Alice's computer, the worm sends an infected email to Bob, but the email appears to have been sent by Charlie.

por 01.04.2013 / 19:28
