Cria aplicativo de console do Windows no VS 2012


Como posso criar um aplicativo de console do Windows no VS 2012?

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por ddddq 07.09.2017 / 14:19

1 resposta


How can I create a Windows Console application in VS 2012?

Você precisa instalar **Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop** em vez de **Visual Studio Express for Windows 8** . Marcus Karlsson forneceu o seguinte responda no Stackoverflow com relação ao Visual Studio 2012 Express para Windows Desktop .

There are different versions of Visual Studio 2012 Express.

Visual Studio Express for Windows 8 is targeted against building software for Windows Store using the new tiled interface. It will not allow you to build console applications.

The version which you should use is called Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop, it covers more traditional Windows development including console applications.

Once you have installed Express for Windows Desktop launch it and create a C++ console application project. You can then select to build your solution from the Build menu, and run it from the Debug menu.

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por 07.09.2017 / 14:41