Então, porque eu preciso de alguma flexibilidade, de qualquer forma, eu criei uma versão de script baseada na ideia da AFH.
# configure: source path
# configure: destination path
# find all files in source_path not modified in the last 60 minutes
find $source_path -mmin +60 -type f | while read -r file; do
# this is the absolute source path (/src/path/backup/path/to/file)
# get the relative source path (/path/to/file)
# get the last modification date of the file (yyyymmdd)
file_save_date="$(date -d@$(stat "$file" -c %Y) +'%Y%m%d')";
# IMPORTANT create sub directory at the destination if required
mkdir --parents "$destination_path/$file_save_date$relative_source_path/";
# move the file to new destination (/dest/path/backup/yyyymmdd/path/to/file)
mv "$file" "$destination_path/$file_save_date$relative_source_path/" > /dev/null 2>&1;
# delete empty folders if the the folder is not changes in the last 5 minutes
find $source_path/* -mmin +5 -type d -empty -delete > /dev/null 2>&1;